Friday, November 6, 2020

Where to invest when the election has no outcome?


Where to invest when the election has no outcome?

Some think we will be lucky to have an ‘elected’ president by January 20, the official start of the new regime. Some say both sides have already hired lawyers to have the new GOP 6-3 Supremes decide who won. Last time, GOP Bush had Supreme Scalia on his side. Scalia gave the election to Bush because he claimed, contrary to the Constitution, that FL couldn’t count the votes correctly. Scalia, claiming to know the Constitution, decided for us. But he never showed us voters where it says that the Supremes will choose presidents. He ignored the 12th Amendment: if no winner “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.” Since we don’t know what will happen, we have to go with our best information. The markets may be biased in favor of those who have faster computers, talented analysts, large leverage, more influence, or more insider information. We only have the unbiased advice of the greatest investing master, Warren Buffett, who bet $1 million the Vanguard 500 Index Fund would beat the 5 hedge fund picks of a Wall Street guru. We own 500 large growth firms at low cost with few taxes. They produce 11% total return over time. Buy on sale now.

Fact investing:


Is it right for your broker/advisor to be your legacy representative?
Some so called ‘professionals’ in financial services have been caught taking on the roles of executor, beneficiary, trustee and power of attorney for customers. This is so wrong that brokers/advisors are going to extraordinary lengths to get around this most obvious conflict of interest. Honestly, do we need a rule for these salespeople? They should be in jail.  “FINRA, the ‘self-regulator’ for the industry, observed situations where registered representatives tried to circumvent firm policies, such as resigning as a customer’s registered representative, transferring the customer to another registered representative, or having the customer name the registered representative’s spouse or child as the customer’s beneficiary.” "These conflicts of interest can take many forms and can include a registered person benefiting from the use of undue and inappropriate influence over important financial decisions to the detriment of a customer. The brokerage firms are just now making this rule due in February. Hire a fiduciary who is sworn to treat you right.


Is a deductible IRA contribution right for you?

The rules changed for 2020: IRA contributions after age 70½ are now permissible.

The SECURE Act repealed the age restriction for Traditional IRA contribution eligibility. Effective for 2020 and later taxable years, individuals with earned income can make Traditional IRA contributions at any age, not just for years before reaching age 70½.

For 2020 and later, there is no age limit on making regular contributions to traditional or Roth IRAs if you have earned income. If you had self-employment income or W-2, that income qualifies. If your spouse had income and you did not, that qualifies too with some limits depending on participation in a retirement plan. Spousal IRAs: If you file a joint return, you may be able to contribute to an IRA even if you didn’t have taxable compensation as long as your spouse did. Each spouse can make a contribution up to the current limit; however, the total of your combined contributions can’t be more than the taxable compensation reported on your joint return. See the Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal IRA Limit in Publication 590-A. If neither spouse participated in a retirement plan at work, all of your contributions will be deductible. The annual contribution limit for 2020 is $6,000 or $7,000 if you're age 50 or older. For many of my tax clients, this means they can reduce their income and thus their taxes for 2020 due April 15, 2021.

Alternative tax-FREE IRA:


Which fund is best for your retirement nest egg?

We have learned that we can trim the risk of market upheavals by using a ‘balanced’ approach—stocks for growth and bonds for ballast. Since 1970 one fund has continuously provided retirees with total returns (income plus capital return) of over 9%. Since 9% is greater than inflation of 3% over time, our nest egg can maintain our purchasing power even though we may live long and prosper. Insurers sell their annuities to offer this same ‘longevity insurance’ but at a higher cost. If we don’t take the income each year, we can actually double our money in 10 years. So if we have other income (SS plus pensions plus RMD forced IRA distributions), we can provide a legacy and or have a large medical contingency fund at the end of life. To some of us, this beats every annuity plan that brokers offer.

Forget their annuity:


Earn a guaranteed 12% to 24% return

“Guarantee” is the third rail to financial service advertising: it means fraud since there is no ‘guarantee’ in investing. However, consider paying down credit card debt of 12% to 24%. The average rate is 19%. If we pay 24% per year, charged every month, as most cards do, we would be wise to make card interest our ‘investment’ of choice. Most of us are unlikely to earn more than 11% on our investments over time so paying off high interest debt is our best ‘investment’ choice. When we are finished with the debt payment of $100 a month, for instance, we can use that $100 a month to accumulate over $20,000 for our home down payment or college or new car. Instead of making credit card bank investors rich we can help ourselves by investing that monthly payment.






Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—do we really want a Dictator?


Supremes decide election … again?


Dictator: It’s going away.”

Dictator’s staff: “It’s out of control:” 236,000+ dead

Dictator’s ‘music’: Crowd chants Fire Fauci


Dictator: “I am the only one who can make America truly great again.”

Dictator: “Stand by” Domestic terrorists

Dictator build his Wall around our White House


Dictator has mail delayed and has Supremes void all votes received after Nov 3!

Dictator sends armed troops to intimidate vote counters

Dictator disrespecting American voter’s choice



How Govt wastes our money: Our Representatives gave 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 

Not enough to win the votes: someone has to pay off the 270 Electors, the real voters

IRS enforcement staff cuts lower US tax compliance over time: fewer pay; higher rates

EPA poison inspectors cut from 26 to 4 for 1,400 laboratories: even industry wants more


The Wall around White House: dictator spends our money stay in WH permanently.

Trump gives $65 million virus money to a donor who has no facility to make plasma

We pay for Nazi inspired police training programs: not surprising violent outcomes


Feds bought vaccine for the wealthy: if GOP cancels ObamaCare, we can’t afford it

Trump’s PO man ignored judge’s order to process 300,000 ballots:  man not arrested

National debt interest to climb: Senate to block all tax increases on wealthy/business




How Trump avoids taxes we have to pay: detailed analysis

Trump blames doctors who fight virus: “earn more money when their patients die

Trump rallies kill 700 attendees: infect 30,000 w/ virus: pandemic 100,000 a day!

TX passes CA in virus cases even with smaller population: no masks; no tests?

GOP body-double conspiracy jumping on media: verify info with many sources


TX GOP told NO to voiding 117,000 legal votes cast by voters in cars

PA GOP counties delay vote count til Nov 4: Trump gets Supremes to void them

Trumpers ambush Biden bus in TX: police side with Trumpers: Biden cancels event


Kanye West concedes: try for presidency again in ’24 with Jr and Ivanka

It’s not over ‘til the fat man sings: AZ WI MI goes blue

Even McConnell agrees we have to count all the votes to have a legit democracy

Why GOP is in a panic: loss of power by 2022; fear clean air/water/etc regulation


Gov won’t stop robocalls; Supremes allow robocalls;

Jury Duty scam: fake email claims fine if don’t show up: real notices by mail.

Authentic-looking email pretending to be claim from Amazon: steal ID 


$800 advert on your car scam: check cashing scam: their check bounces

Market America caught deceiving its MLM distributors: big con takes our money

AVALINE, CAMERON DIAZ’S ‘CLEAN’ WINE: marketing con: clay + yeast

Hoover vacuums may NOT be made in America: “globally sourced” to trick us.

SMART Payment Plan caught loan payment program contained misleading statements

JPMorgan plans to capture Black and Latino investment dollars offering seminars

Tricks internet online scams use to catch us and never let go: “I wish I had never clicked”


IRS extends short-term payment plan option to 180 days instead of the usual 120 days.

Big banks caught misleading markets again: $4 billion fines before Biden takes more

Text scam asks for bank info under the guise of $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.


Terrence Chalk FL caught stealing $5 million “guaranteed return of 12%” con

Driver Loan FL caught misleading savings and loan products ride share firms fine no jail

Performance SLC CA caught charging illegal advance fees for student loan modifications

Viral 'ballot' burning video shared by Eric Trump is fake: son creates chaos for ‘fun’



Jared 1st son evicting hundreds: MD slum lord: moratoriums over: “you’re fired/evicted”


Toyota Lexus recall 3.34 million: faulty fuel pump

Apple AirPods Pro not working: $249.00 or $41.50/mo. for 6 mo. Make appointment?




Is it a scam?  Check AARP scamline 877.908.3360.


Check IRS:

Check Social Security:


Safeguard data: ConsumerReports help:



What the end of the middle class American Dream looks like: Remington screws workers

Walmart fires roving robots: humans can do inventory better and pick for online sales


Who owns your account now?

Car insurers don’t like to pay claims: JD Power rates customer satisfaction

Insurer denies fire damage claim even though premiums paid to agent: agent not agent

Information about your health care is yours: doctors can’t hide bad from us anymore

Student loan repayment options: pandemic deferral ends—make plan now.



Walmart puts guns and ammo back on display: cash in on fear? Hold T’s WH?

Reclaiming old beauty of Brooklyn breweries: conservation of what we have

Whale saves train riders


GOP 6-3 Supremes primed to reverse US back to 1950s: abortions illegal, dirty air, no wildlife reserves, no voting rights, 0 immigrants, no health care, red-lining housing, no interracial couples, Trump self-pardon, cancel IRS audit, no gays, discriminate by religion, decide our elections, dismiss suit Trump as rapist, etc


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:


We can see/talk to folks around the world for free: using Zoom, video conferencing



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