Saturday, August 18, 2012

Free health screenings

Women have free screenings now

Most women won't notice, but as of Aug. 1, insurance companies must cover a range of women's preventive health care services for free. The new benefits are part of the Affordable Care Act, which is rolling out in stages. "Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, nearly 50 million women will now have guaranteed coverage of the preventive health services needed to keep them both physically and fiscally healthy," Rep. Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara, said in a news release.

Services that no longer require a deductible or co-payment include annual well-woman checkups; breast-feeding support; screening and counseling for domestic-partner violence; screening for gestational diabetes; screening for sexually transmitted diseases including HIV; testing for some strains of human papilloma virus; and contraception.

"I think sometimes women are confronted with paying for their birth control or buying groceries." These services are already covered in California under state law but that now insurance companies will have to eliminate deductibles and co-payments. "It's literally nominal because it's already covered," Green said. "Access to preventive services reduces health care costs down the road."

We get less than we put in—negative SS earnings retirement plan!

The AP reports that new retirees will receive less in Social Security benefits than they paid in Social Security taxes. It's the first time since Social Security began that middle-income workers will get back less than they paid in and experts say the problem will worsen in the future. If you are a high income earner and still working, you are really upside down!

Help yourself while you can: Where is your sloop going? A retirement portfolio that flies. $12.95

401k or Roth 401k: Which is better for you?

If your employer offers the Roth 401k, the benefits can be huge—but they come later. Compare paying income tax on $3,000 contributions to your income tax savings of 50,000 on each year you contribute. So if you contribute $3000 this year, you may pay an extra $500 to $750 in taxes with the Roth. However, you will have NO taxes on your $2.1 million in retirement in 40 years. With a regular 401k, you will pay income taxes (whatever the rate is) on ALL your annual income --30% of $50,000 = $15,000.

Discover the pros and cons of Roth with our Guide:

GOP not sure if Romney would repeal ObamaCare

Romney fears “allowing people to die” under his plan so now he claims he will “embrace health care reform.”

What does that mean for R/R?

Romney/Ryan budget ends fixed-cost Medicare—pay as you go system

Costs shift to individual: Stop paying for medical increases by not funding them.

Ryan plan in black and white:

Five points about R/R plans for our future:

Popular cars that may not make you happy

Consumer Reports these 5 are not what they seem.    

Obama election committee sees it this way

“Romney and Ryan share a conviction that our future will be brighter if we simply pass even bigger tax cuts for the wealthy; dramatically shift health care costs from Medicare to seniors, and walk away from our national commitments to education, research and development, and new energy technology,” wrote senior Obama strategist David Axelrod in an email. “So they would be a natural ticket, but it would be ticket to disaster for our economy and the middle class.”

Socialism for the rich

Driven by high commodity prices and crop insurance programs that eliminate risk for farmers, a total of 23 million acres, or 36,000 square miles, of grassland, wetlands and shrublands were converted to agricultural uses between 2008 and 2011. There is a "strong correlation" between crop insurance subsidies and conversion rates, Cook said. The highest rates of land transformation occurred in counties with the highest rates of crop insurance subsidies, he said. Most subsidies go to Agibusiness corporations.

Your tax dollars at work.

 SCAMS          “Only the little people pay taxes.” Leona Helmsley

Romney job “creation” program ends in bankruptcy and pollution

The rusty stains on Shirley Carter's home are a permanent reminder of her fight with the local steel mill, just down U.S. Highway 17 near the boat docks. No matter how many cans of industrial-strength acid she went through, the red tint on her property never seemed to go away. In 1998, Carter and her neighbors sued Georgetown Steel, then owned by the company Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney co-founded, Bain Capital. They sought millions in cleanup costs and accused the mill's owners of leaving their historic Southern neighborhood looking like it had been hit by a "chemical bomb."

State officials determined the mill was largely to blame for the pollution. As the lawsuit dragged on for years, the steel mill filed for bankruptcy and the plant ultimately settled with the residents.

In the end, Bain walked away with more than $30 million in profits. Carter got $800.

Goldman Sachs beats government rules again

The U.S. Justice Department's decision not to prosecute Goldman Sachs Group Inc for its subprime mortgage trades resulted from either "weak laws or weak enforcement," the senator who asked for a criminal investigation of the firm said on Friday.

A day after the department announced its decision, Democratic Senator Carl Levin reiterated in a written statement the criticisms he lodged against Goldman beginning more than two years ago. He called the firm's actions "deceptive and immoral." It was never prosecuted for the derivative sales deceptions either.


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