Friday, September 5, 2014

Is a tax-FREE account right for you?

Is a tax-FREE investment account right for you?
The Roth IRA is an IRS-approved trust to turn your investment earnings from taxable to tax-FREE. Your $3,000 annual contribution can be worth $30,000 in time—And it is all FREE of federal and state tax. This deal is better than Warren Buffett’s 17% tax rate. Even better than the 15% rate that John Kerry and Mitt Romney pay. With more corporations paying ZERO tax (actual tax rate 12.6% not 39%), you can now pay your fair share with an IRS-OK tax shelter:

Corporations, like the wealthy, pay fewer taxes and can “buy” elections
Business taxes used to make up 30 percent of federal revenue following World War II. Now corporate taxes have dwindled to 10 percent of government revenue, and some years the percentage has dipped to 6.6 percent. The wealthy like Buffett, Kerry, and Romney pay 17% or less of their income in total tax—about half that of the average person. The Supreme Court decided in 2010 that a corporation has free speech like a person and can spend whatever they like to move elections their way. Pay your fair share, not their share:

Can you leave your money alone to work for you?
Find out HOW to keep your money working and turn $250 a month into $6,666 per month later. Set it and forget it. Don’t let your money go on unemployment.

What would you do if stocks were on sale (price drop)?
Would you buy more like Warren Buffett or sell and hold cash as your gut advises? This is the question that we all must face as we try to reach our goals. It is a question that is easy to answer if you have a time frame in mind for your money. What is the one investment that has provided over 11% a year return for the last 30 years? It requires YOUR control of yourself not the market and not your broker/advisor.

GOP crazies
We ought to bomb them back to the stone age.” Typical Cruz solution to any problem. Addressing the Koch Bros summit in Dallas, Ted Cruz and Rick Perry rallied their army to fight ISIS, since Obama has “no strategy” to fight. All were moved to give dollars not lives. Talk is filling PACs for 2016 war.

We are already supporting Stone-Age regimes?
Saudi Arabia's religious police beat up a British resident of Riyadh because he and not his wife paid for groceries at a women-only cash desk. Only women are allowed to pay at females-only cash desks in the kingdom. A man accompanied by female family members can stop at such desks so long as a woman deals with the cashier. A video showed a police agent jump out of his car and attack the Briton and a woman in black abaya cloak outside a supermarket. Police later apologized saying “mall security” should have dealt with the man. Riyadh buys US weapons while the Saudi’s fund terrorist groups. Three other Arab countries are listed as sources of militant money: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

GOP crazies “retired” to $1.8 Million
The Tea Party dumped Eric Cantor, but he is laughing all the way to the banks on Wall Street. Just as many former elected officials, he won his big paycheck AFTER their time in office. He will earn a base salary of $400,000, plus a $400,000 signing bonus and $1 million in restricted stock, according to the bank’s SEC filing. It is all a power game to them. Cantor will lobby for banks in DC.

Are brokerage disputes right for you?
When you give your money to a broker or advisor, you sign away your right to sue them for bad behavior. You must present your dispute to an arbitration panel made up of retired industry folks who make good money from the brokerage industry for good decisions. BEWARE: this will not be a fair fight. Consider 80-year-old Mabel Strobel’s case. Even after getting a judge to make the panel reconsider their stupid decision to charge her, Morgan Stanley can drag out the legal battle forever. Mabel isn’t getting younger. Better to make Wealth Without Wall Street:

Are lottery tickets right for you as an investment?
Business Insider found that low-income households spend 9% of their income on lottery tickets. You have better odds of becoming a millionaire by investing that money every month in a basic tax-FREE account. Invest 9% now and spend 9% of your winnings tax-FREE later. In the last 30 years, your money would have earned 11.11% in a simple stock market fund. Every “ticket” you buy is worth 100 times the amount later. The winners are here:

Double your money every 6 years
The stock market index crossed 2000 this year. In 2009, the index was 1000. You doubled your money in 6 years. Yet Wall Street claims they can beat the market. Most mutual funds and stock jockeys did NOT. Because there is no perfect system or stock picker, the market gained about 11.11% in the last 30 years and FEW did better. Some years it was down 20%, but it would take you 30 years to double your money in a CD. So there really are TWO types of money—money for fixing your car and money for fixing your retirement. You need both.

Wealthy upset with advisor’s fees too—paying more getting less
Harvard’s alum are upset that their school endowment earns less than an index fund but pays advisors DOUBLE what it paid just 3 years ago. Harvard’s fund has not regained its pre-crisis level despite the market doubling. Yale and other schools earn more and pay less. 324 advisors don’t make a richer endowment; they just make advisors richer. CALpers pension fund is moving to index funds to earn more and pay less.

Buy American?
CR says these are the best American-branded cars by class and size. None are completely made in US. Some do not have high reliability ratings from the 3-year old owners. Some make great used cars. Shop and compare online for the car and the insurance:

SCAMS           Why are we still paying $700 Billion a year for WWII deployments?
We are paying for 164,253 of our active-duty armed personnel to be in 150 countries around the world. We have about 50,000 in Japan and 50,000 in Germany.
Are we preparing for WWII again? There are 1,208,083[1] armed personnel in the United States. Our taxes pay for about HALF of the WORLD’s military expenditures every year. We have wasted $398.6 billion so far on the F-35 program—they can’t fly safely.
We just can’t afford to pay for everyone else’s defenses anymore.
Japan, Germany and S. Korea can pay for their own defenses.

Who owns your account now?
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg's Swiss wealth management to Notenstein.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
Montclair, NJ 07042

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