Friday, September 23, 2016

Charity helps wealthy avoid taxes too

Another way the wealthy avoid paying taxes—a ‘Charity’ Foundation
You give yourself a tax credit when you give money to a charity like Trump’s 501(c)3. You ask other wealthy people like ticket scalper Ebers to give money to your Foundation. Then, since you are the head of it, you give their cash to pay your legal fees of your other businesses. You give cash to Jets (head NY GOP fundraiser) and FL AG so she ignores your U. fraud. You give cash to Citizens United another GOP group. “If he’s using other people’s money — run through his foundation — to satisfy his personal obligations, then that’s about as blatant an example of self-dealing [as] I’ve seen in awhile,” one analyst said. The IRS is too busy hunting down ObamaCare taxpayers to do any real legal probes. Congress cut their business audit staff. The wealthy know the chance of real legal action is small. If caught, they just pay the tax they avoided years earlier. Meanwhile they have used tax-free cash to pay their bills and gained political influence too. Richie Ebers gets the $477,400 tax credit too. Jets owner gives to NY GOP elections.  

Your pension may not be what it says it is
Your pension may be hiding the real state of your pension funding. When all the assets in the pension fund are given actual market value (“marked to market”) compared to the assumed value given by actuaries, the pension may not have enough to pay your benefits. When a small town pension pulled out of the large CA state pension fund CAlpers, the town found out it was $48 million short of what it owed retirees, or four times what the official numbers showed. Pension actuaries assume assets will earn 7.5%, but when they don’t, the fund does not ask for more from the contributors. Everyone assumes the assets will “earn 7.5% on average.” The times when assets don’t earn the average it is assumed they will make up for it during the good times. Over long periods, that has worked for state and private pensions. However, when contributors quit the pension during lean times, or the pension offers new benefits to early retirees, they see the “emperor has no clothes” and must put up more money to pay the promised pensions.
Vanguard values retirement accounts daily and they can be tax-FREE:

Top Wall Street investment firm destroys myth of Wall Street brilliance
Laurence Fink, founder of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has been to the mountain and seen the future when he lost $100 million. Now he guards $5 Trillion. “I believed I had figured out the market. But I was wrong because while I wasn’t watching, the world had changed.” The future of finance, Mr. Fink has argued, lies with rules-based, data-driven investment styles such as exchange-traded funds, which track a variety of stock and bond indexes or adhere to a set of financial rules. The idea is that such an approach eliminates at least some of the potential for human error, while lowering costs.
Vanguard master of the indexes gives the profits back to us:

What does Warren Buffett recommend if he were your money advisor
Mr. Buffett holds stocks for the long-term—some, like Coke, for over 30 years. He says his holding period is forever just like index funds. He says he buys stocks at the lowest cost he can just like index funds. He says he buys stocks that have a ‘margin of safety’ from losses just like index funds. He says he buys American firms just like the S&P 500 index. He buys stocks of various industries—drinks, bricks, RR, jewelry, underwear, air plane rental and insurance—just like index funds. He buys stock when the price is low just like ‘dollar cost averaging’ index funds. He counts on compounding of earnings just like index funds. He buys stocks NOT being pushed by Wall Street just like index funds. He lives in the same home for over 30 years—just like you.

You are more likely struck by lightning than find the next Amazon
If you listen to Wall Street promoters and cable smarties, you only have to buy their ‘projected winner’ to become rich. However, the actual odds are 1 in 43,000. Odds of lightning strike are 1 in 13,000. If you work for a new economy startup like Lyft, you have a better chance than being a brokerage firm customer. If you invested in your advisor’s choices, you have a 50-50 chance of losing money; not owning the next Amazon. Warren Buffett’s stock has averaged 20.8% a year for over 30 years. Of course he can’t guarantee the future so he told the executor of his will to put all his money in just 2 Vanguard index funds for his family. 

Will you regret the new car you just bought?
People vote on the cars they buy by selling them the next year. The most regretted are those with the highest percentage sold after just one year. You save 20-30% when you purchase the 1 year left-overs with few miles. We don’t know why but here is the list:

Buick Regal                             Percent sold after one year: 10.7 percent
Chevrolet Sonic                      Percent sold after one year: 8.9 percent
BMW X1                                 Percent sold after one year: 7.8 percent
Dodge Charger                        Percent sold after one year: 7.7 percent
Mercedes-Benz C-Class         Percent sold after one year: 7.4 percent
Chevrolet Cruze                      Percent sold after one year: 7.2 percent
Nissan Frontier                       Percent sold after one year: 6.9 percent
All that glitters is not gold. See dependability ratings before you buy.

GOP plans to win elections by limiting voting by minorities
Georgia like NC have passed state laws to cut voting by poor, black and other minorities. A Reuters survey found local governments in nearly a dozen, mostly Republican-dominated counties in Georgia have adopted plans to reduce the number of voting stations, citing cost savings and efficiency. Those voting stations closing ‘just happen’ to be in black communities. “There is a history in those states of using different strategies to cut voting in minority communities,” a rights lawyer said. "Hogwash," said Robert Haney, Upson County Board of Elections, denying that race was a factor in his board's decision. Some folks without cars will need to walk 10 miles. Arizona, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina are close voting states and last March in Arizona's Maricopa County, GOP made some voters wait in lines for 5 hours. GOP slashed polling places where more than 30 percent of residents are Hispanic. As NC Senator Pittenger said, “they hate white people, because white people are successful and they’re not.”
Why blame God?

Prepare for medical expenses NOT covered by Medicare with cash
Alzheimer’s and dementia “represent 50% of all LTC insurance claims,” one seller says. “It’s now very, very expensive to get an unlimited policy, [so] many people are buying smaller policies with only three years of coverage,” says one seller. “Many people suffering with Alzheimer’s are physically healthy and may live many years,” she adds. The lower the inflation rider, the cheaper the premium.” But your policy benefits may be cut in half by the time you need them in 20 years. Insurers dropped LTC business when people lived longer and needed services. They have added more restrictions and caps on payouts. It’s harder than ever to qualify for LTC coverage and premiums have risen despite salesperson promises. You may pay $3,000 a year for 30 years and never use the policy. Policies cover only HALF medical needs.

Don’s Apology?: “Sometimes in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues,   you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that." 
Hill’s Apology?: “I just followed advice of Colin and other Sec. State before me.”

Don vs Hill 2016 – trigger happy?

Don:    ‘Obama was born in US’—I did birther to get attention--it worked. The BIG Con
            See, no downside to lying--re: black Prez. I could shoot someone on 5th and win!
            I never apologize: I have lied for so long I don’t really know the difference. *
            I don’t care if Immigrants are helping Detroit get on its feet, paying taxes too!
            "… her bodyguards should drop all weapons" and "let's see what happens to her."
            Putin won his election by a lot—he must be doing something right—leadership!
            My kids are already working with politicos and head of Congress Ryan come NY
            My Foundation does not pay legal bills, avoid U. probe or help political folks.
            Don King speaks for blacks at my event – He makes us laugh at N____ again.
            My Catholic council head Cella did not mean me when he listed my unfitness:

Mike:   it's "nonsense" to suggest Donald Trump was inciting violence against Hillary
            “We ought to set aside this talk about institutional racism and institutional bias.”

Hill:    I didn’t think my cough, now pneumonia was going to be big deal—hiding it is!
Tim:    He’s inciting violence "at a minimum, expression of indifference to violence would occur."
            Don blames Hill for his Birther con after years of insult. Claims he ‘ended attack.

Regulators are the only protection we have since we can’t sue anymore
            “It is nearly impossible for one individual to take on a corporation with vast resources.” (GOP bill                requires impossible: every person in class action suffer “same type and scope of injury”)
               Supremes stop us from suing—State courts no longer available to sue corporations!

Fertilizer plant Mulberry FL leaked 215 million gallons of radioactive water to aquifer
Wells Fargo sued by customers for fraud, fees misleading and misbehavior fake accounts
Trump uses charity to pay off FL AG on ignoring U.: Con Man gets away with fraud?
Wells Fargo chief needs to fall on his sword for allowing cheating of customers
1 million complaints against banks etc with new CFPB—we had no place to file before!
EpiPen gauging life-saving meds proves HEALTH care must be like gas, water, electric.

We need regulation—GOP wrong—companies/cities wouldn’t fix bad products on own

Police want gun control.
When everyone has guns; your chance of being killed goes up. Police don’t know who to shoot. They assume everyone has gun hidden. You and real criminals both have guns.
If you are black in OK, you get killed even with no gun, hands up, and after stun gunned. They assume you are a “bad dude”; don’t wait to find out. Later say “found PcP in car.”

Average retiree household spends $45,000 and most comes from SS benefits $25,000.
NC gov plants fake reporters and their questions at QA event to avoid real questions.
Wells Fargo customers may not get to sue for fraud since banks require arbitration of all.
IRS says scammers sending fake CP2000 notices for tax year 2015 asking for money.

ignoramus Award: US breaks cease fire: mistaken U.S. airstrike kills 62 injures 100 Syrian soldiers. Defense official said the strike “appears to be an intelligence failure.”

How our government wastes our money
One fighter plane costs $178 million; 3,000 kids could go to college instead.

Where have all the jobs gone?
Drones have been crop dusting and fertilizing for years in JapanNapa next?
Robot sheriff grabs gun from suspect- "The robot was a game changer here,” said Capt. Jack
Kmart closes 64 stores: 600 entry-level jobs gone.
Taxi & limo drivers replaced by robotcars in Pittsburgh; then nationwide: 5 mill in 10 yr.

Who owns your account now?
Goldfish size of football are trashing rivers in Australia—flush will cost you in water bill!

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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