Friday, May 26, 2017

Take your tax break now

Trump tax breaks: for bling-bling; not jobs
Can you believe that the wealthy waste $110 million for this instead of creating new jobs and new businesses? This is what Trump’s tax credit class does with tax cuts that we have to pay for. (Who else makes up the loss in revenue?) Looks like wall graffiti in Brooklyn? Wealthy people buy toys and art that do NOT create jobs. Jobs are created when the middle class has money to spend. But their income has not increased above inflation since 1974. Rich people don’t wake up one day and think they can put their extra tax break money into a new factory. Why would they pay $20 an hour for labor when they can pay $1 an hour? Even ‘Make America Great’ Ivanka does not make her clothes line here in the US. Wealthy people and their advisors buy yachts. Advisors’ customers don’t buy yachts. Keep your Wall Street advisor fees. Create your own tax break.

Trump could be a great president
He could end ever-increasing health care costs by using his “negotiating” skills. He could end the Bush II ban on negotiating drug prices. He could follow the VA contract for Medicare and ACA. He could negotiate a fair price for common procedures and treatment so everyone would know how much broken bones, colonoscopy and epipens cost in every state. He promised on the campaign to reduce obscene costs. Americans will have “great health care at a fraction of the cost.” Bring down drug prices by importing cheaper medications from overseas and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Require price transparency from health-care providers so patients can shop for the best prices. “You will be able to choose your own doctor again.”
Trump could be a great president but his Xorders and agency appointments are being shaped by lobbyists from religious right, NRA, health insurance, oil and gas, IT. He has put the oil drillers shill at the EPA, private school advocate at Education, TX dancer at Energy, bank money launderer at Commerce, and movie producer at Treasury. He has cut investor and worker protection regs to allow abuse of consumers again. He is turning America into a Tammany Hall-style political business supporting his brand.

Is the new border tax right for you?
Congress should reject a proposed $1 trillion border adjustment tax (BAT) that would drive up prices for us and cost us jobs. This is the plea of retailers. They say: the Ryan-Brady plan would transition the United States from its long-standing income tax system toward a consumption tax system. The plan includes a 20% border adjustment tax on imports including auto parts that go in new cars and every car that is maintained. My 98 Subaru window control was just replaced and it came from Mexico. It cost over $100 new. It would cost $120 if leader Ryan’s new tax were in effect. Higher costs may mean fewer purchases and thus fewer Americans working. Tax increases should NOT be focused on those who spend almost all our income on products that are needed. It should focused on those who buy bling-bling. They have the money to spare, not us.

Trump to cancel school services so we can pay for rich kids in private schools
Mental health services. Civics and arts programs. International education and language studies. Anti-bullying activities. Gifted and talented initiatives. Full-service community schools. Check if your child’s assistance program is on the list of cuts. Most are aimed at students from low-income families and students with disabilities. Even Russian commented on the cruelty of the cuts. Justification for cuts is that it ‘duplicates activities that may be supported with other Federal, State, local, and private funds.’ Education funding is a local mix of programs that may not happen in poorer communities. Billionaire DeVos has never worked nor sent kids to public schools so these cuts could be chosen capriciously. She advocates private religious education and wants the public to pay for it. Trump has proposed redirecting $20 billion in federal spending toward a grant program for states to expand vouchers and charter schools. NC GOP is in sync with Trump’s plan: N.C. Senate cut education funding — but only in Democratic districtsAZ hires teachers without training or certificate for public schools so GOP can send kids to private or religious schools. KS tried the Trump cuts plan and is almost bankrupt now.

Is your advisor right on retirement income?
Is your advisor giving you 1990s advice still? Things have changed since the 4% rule worked 25 years ago. First, you are less likely to remain a couple. Second, your nest egg may not be earning what it could have then. Third, you may live longer—45% chance to live to be over age 90 if you are 71. Fourth, 1-year interest rates are now 1.4% not 8.75%. Fifth, what did the Monte Carlo analysis determine? Sixth, are all your future liabilities fundable in the correct sequence? Seventh, is your Spending Plan in place? Eighth, is your investing sustainable? Ask your advisor to check your income stream with this guide. Remember, your advisor is paid to serve the firm NOT you -- only Fiduciary does.

GOP tries and fails to create segregated voting again
White NC racists engaged in an ‘unconstitutional racial gerrymander’ according to the Supremes. "The Constitution entrusts states with the job of designing congressional districts," Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the majority. "But it also imposes an important constraint: A state may not use race as the predominant factor in drawing district lines." Gorsuch did not hear the case or the vote may have been different. Voters in seven states — Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Jersey and Washington — have turned to independent commissions in an effort to reduce political "gerrymandering," the map-drawing method that leads to districts easily won by Democrats or Republicans.
Will Trump stop Dems from voting with special rules from myth of voter fraud? There have been 492 cases of mostly local elections by absentee ballot from 2000 to 2017. 492 of 480 million ballots. Typical: Olivia Lee Reynolds was convicted of 24 counts of voter fraud. While working on the 2013 campaign for her boyfriend, she filled out absentee ballots for voters. Trump’s ‘proof’: people are registered in two states. Not illegal. Jared, Sean, Steve, and Tiffany are a few of your own team. Don, not illegal to be registered.

Credit Unions for your emergency funds?
Checking accounts are NOT usually the place to hold your funds for short-term savings but we found another exception: 1.75%. Need cash; write a check or ATM. Need a loan; pay 1% less. Anyone can join.

Will GOP take your coverage away with TrumpCare?
Will you be in the 23 million Americans that lose coverage under AHCA? It cuts more than $1 trillion from the assistance the government gives low- and moderate-income Americans, primarily through Medicaid. That means those in their 50-60s would see 850% increase. In some states, you couldn’t buy ANY policy. The bill also restructures the system of insurance marketplaces created by Obamacare to guarantee health coverage to Americans, even if they are sick. Before the 10 essential benefits, insurers could charge smaller premiums but then limit or deny you coverage when you got sick or ended up in the hospital. Millions of us fell into debt or bankruptcy from medical bills. GOP could cover everyone as a birth right as in "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" which America promised were “inherent & inalienable” rights. Instead, the GOP will use the money from your health care to buy Trump an aircraft carrier and other military toys. But terrorists don’t have ships or planes. If you live in a GOP state, your premiums may go down but your policy will not cover you for much. And what if you are in an accident you may get well but in bankruptcy.  
Remember, Congressmen who voted TrumpCare for us will keep their ObamaCare coverage because it is better coverage.
Why should we accept less than they receive for free?

30 cars Consumer Reports says are “never buy”
You can buy any car that meets your fancy and people do. Savvy shoppers know in advance what they are getting themselves in for. Overpaying for a car may be our second biggest financial mistake. How much does the ego boost or peer envy cost? They are all here from Fiat to Tesla. You do NOT get what you pay for in vehicles or in financial products. You have to understand what you buy and the seller is the least qualified to help you do that.

Goal: Trump brand around the world

We can’t stop watching his “apprenticeship for president” show EVERY DAY!
Two Americas

Trump is still just a contractor from Queens
Trump threatens FBI Comey with secret tapes Trump made of their talks.
Like mob boss, he asks Comey to let Flynn probe go, then asks for loyalty, then fires him, then threatens him.
Trump is like Cosa Nostra who thinks he owns the town’s people and the Law.
Trump lawyered up to fight Russian probe by Justice – criminal and civil charges.
Trump agencies refuse Congress requests for ordinary policy info – dictatorship.

Russia brags they could use Flynn to push Trump around. US Intel avoided giving Flynn intel. Trump tells Russians that Comey is ‘nut job’ he fired to be relieved of probe. Comey to testify. Trump thinks he is NOT being probed by FBI now.
Righteous Christian Pence gives “false witnessLies More lies Vetted Flynn

Which witch hunt?
Trump’s old lawyer: Get tough private DC counsel now: comments cancel privilege.
Trump sees world differently. Turkey SS beat up Americans in DC and nothing said.

Trump needs to watch other cable than Fox. No more Soprano’s reruns.
Trump thought he would be cheered for firing FBI to stop probe. He thinks Russia influence is normal business relationship. He respects only dictators. Won’t shake hands with Germany but Turkey’s thug Ok.

TrumpWorld – using presidency to make money the old fashioned way: Who you know.
Countries are running out the red carpet for Ivanka and Jared, new royals of America
Weapons’ deal does not create American jobs so it only helps Jared.

GOP leader says don’t joke: Putin pays Trump. Rich Russians buy Trump property.
Wealthy Russians pay Trump manager Manafort off the books.
Trump travel set up by employee without security using govt devices.

Regulators are the only protection against corporations since we can’t sue anymore

Trump allows Devon to emit 80 tons hazardous chemicals, benzene, a known carcinogen.
Recall 1.7 million vehicles Hyundai and Kia over engine defects
Yasuna Murakami, MC2 Capital, caught overstating returns for 50 ponzi victims
Complain to Trump about problems in Kushnerville MD owned by Jared.
Jeep hid emissions scam like VW to sell despite pollution. $4.6 billion fine?
GM hid emissions scam too. Lied and emits 6 times the legal limit. Fine $ billions?

We need regulation—GOP wrong—companies/cities wouldn’t fix bad products on own
GM killed 124 because ignition switch pin not replaced after knew it killed first in 2006.

Who can view your credit report legally?
Reputable firms ask your permission first but lenders, employers, courts, police, and you can see your report entries legally. If they just look (soft pull) and don’t print it out, your report may not list their name. You can obtain all three free each year at

Police want gun control.
When everyone has guns; your chance of being killed goes up. Police don’t know who to shoot. They assume everyone has one and shoot first. You and thief have guns. CO schools now allow teachers/administrators to carry guns in the classroom. Kid lesson! Since 2015, police have killed 86 people with realistic looking FAKE guns--suicide?

Chicago police to try de-escalation instead of shooting blacks, latinos. Will watch videos.

Trump calls terrorists “evil losers.” Loser is Trump’s ‘worst’ person name?
Religious ETFs zero out firms that treat LGBT and family planning fairly.

Ignoramus Award:
Rapidly-growing banks of moss popping up around Antarctica and it’s “getting greener.”
Scientists have found that the pace of Earth’s sea level rise has nearly tripled since 1990.

Commerce Ross impression of Saudis: not a single hint of protesters anywhere: Dictator

Ben Carson Calls Poverty 'a State of Mind' – blames govt for keeping poor, poor – if you take everything away from me and put me on the street, I would be “right back up there.”

How our government wastes our money:
We lost $1 Billion worth military weapons in Iraq—ISIS picked them up for free!
We buy weapons to support contractors not our service personnel.

Where have all the jobs gone?

$10.75 min wage high point: 1968. Since then all down hill to $7.80 (2014 dollars)

Job interview will ask for your salary requirements. Answer: I will research the range.
Which job board sites are best for your job search?

Cancel Robo calls with Mr NoMoRobo:

Elephant killer killed by mother elephant after he killed elephants and other God’s gifts

The median home price in Los Angeles County has reached high set in 2007: $550,000.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
Montclair, NJ 07042

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