Friday, October 6, 2017

What about cutting the 956 corp subsidies we pay?

What about cutting the 956 corp subsidies?

What about the subsidies to 956 profitable corporations?
Tax bill is not an ‘overhaul’ but a gift to rich. The 10% rate goes UP. The 39% rate goes down. More of us will end up in the next higher tax bracket because the bill shifts the income range of each rate. Old rate made taxes for incomes $$9,326 to $37,950 at 15% but new rate 12%, 25%, 35% makes income $9,326 to $37,950 pay 25%. If your income is over $418,000, you will pay less than 20%. Buffett, Romney, Kerry pay under 17%.
The average rate of the richest 400 Americans is just 20%. Taxing investment income at lower rate loses $1.3 trillion over 10 years. This is why you and I must pay more!
            ‘Overhaul’ means changing sources of revenue and tax “expenditures” known as subsidies and loopholes. We let hedge fund profits be taxed at lower rates because of special interest groups’ FREE gifts to Washington.  We give money to agribusiness to turn corn into gas. We give oil companies our money to produce gas too. We give our tax money to plane makers to sell overseas. Many corporations hide their money overseas so they avoid paying tax. We have been paying for the subsidies since 1980s. Trump says he has been waiting to give tax cuts for a long time. He paid ZERO taxes from 1995 on. Wealthy stand to collect windfall from Trump tax cuts like nothing in history. Tax cuts to corps like Koch Ind. used to buy elections and change policy issues.

Wealthy pay only 17% or less now—few pay 39% or even 35%
Wealthy don’t need the government’s taxes. Wealthy people usually take their income as stock dividends and capital gains from assets they own. Like Warren Buffett with $78 billion net worth, they give themselves $100,000 or so in wages. They pay themselves in other ways. They receive stocks and the right to buy stock at a lower price with no current income tax. For cash, they borrow from their assets or a company they own. Loans are not income plus the interest is deductible to the business. They receive benefits from their assets like Trump, who does not pay for his room and meals at his golf clubs, hotels, office or restaurants. They fly on their own planes and rides. When their lawyers do their taxes, they hide their incomes inside special legal entities. Their staffs are deductible. As Buffett admitted, “I pay 17.7%. The average for the office staff including receptionist was 33%. Romney and Kerry pay even less.

Canceling estate tax for millionaires raises debt for us
You and I will never pay the estate tax which starts at $11 million per couple. Trump wants his friends to avoid tax so their families can create a dynasty. Actually, with tax and estate planning they would never have to pay it. Only 1 of 700 families pays this tax and we could use the $ Billions collected to pay debt. We will have to make up the $ billions treasury will miss if his bill passes. No reason that family farms had to be sold for taxes. Don’t you wish you had to sell your $100 million assets to pay the estate tax?

Use Fact-based Investing not fantasy investing
You now have a choice: buy profitable company stocks at cost using the largest fund firm with licensed reps and FREE planning tools OR trust your salesman to give you hot tips.
Fact-based investing not fake facts from Wall Street marketing!
You pay no commissions or fees so you keep more of your money. If you are a long-term investor, you avoid giving up 63% of your potential accumulations because of charges. 
       First fact: John Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group, the largest mutual fund firm, found that over 50 years of the normal 2% fees on your portfolio, you can actually end up with 63% less than you could have earned. It is simple math: your money earns 7% but the advisor, firm and trading/timing take 2%. Instead of $1.4 million at $250 a month you end up with only $670,000. The average managed-account equity investor earned just 3.79% a year over 30 years ended 2014. Inflation was 2.7%. The market benchmark returned 11.06%. We can invest in a fund that tracks the benchmark at the low cost of 0.04% and so earn 11% over time. We can eliminate any current or future taxes on the growth of our money as it compounds in a tax-advantaged retirement account. No advisor or computer system has proven to beat the market returns over time. Use facts to grow your account:

Cut taxes? Most large corporations pay no taxes already—No firm pays 35%
Trump and GOP want to cut taxes for corporations but most don’t pay taxes now. Many store their cash overseas so they can’t be taxed. We can’t do that legally! We must pay tax on all worldwide income and most of us don’t have a legal team (deductible) to avoid taxes with legal gimmicks. For instance, some like Google use the Dutch Sandwich to save $3.6 Billion in taxes. Others use the Double Irish to use foreign tax laws we can’t.
Some receive our tax money as subsidies even though they are profitable: Nike, Royal Dutch Shell, Fiat Chrysler, Ford, GM, Intel, Alcoa, Boeing. 75% of disclosed subsidy dollars have gone to 965 big companies. We don’t know the total value of subsidies to all business but it is in the $ billions. Corporations have the money to make jobs ALREADY we make jobs by consumers having money. GOP targets our deductions: we end up paying more taxes (10% rate raised to 12%) instead of corporations paying their fair share. GOP says they are NOT increasing our tax rates even though they are by changing the income brackets. The net effect is we will pay more. Business keeps its subsidies and loopholes and keeps 2.5 Trillion overseas. They send jobs overseas not make jobs here! GOP just pushed the deficit to 20 Trillion and tax cut for rich will cost 1.5 Trillion more!

Building assets not income
Trump’s tax overhaul is about shifting more of the tax burden to us. Big corporate subsidies will not be cut. Special interest will keep their loopholes. The wealthy are never going to cut their benefits from the IRS code. After all, their Congressmen put the code there for a reason: cut their own taxes. Duh. Are they really going to cut off their noses to help us? Their basic rule: Avoid taxes on taxable INCOME. They build ASSETS not income. Assets are not taxable until sold. Individual income is taxed. Usually we have no choice from W-2. We are not able to hide it overseas like Google, Apple and Facebook. Most large corps have $ Trillions sitting in offshore accounts so their revenue can’t be taxed. What can we do? To beat Wall Street, we must avoid the middle people.

VA chief not helping Vets with 10 day vacation paid by US
How would you like taxpayers to pay for your vacation to Europe? Vets still have to wait to get appointments for service but not the VA head. Shulkin got his vacation date as requested. We paid for the flights for Shulkin and his wife, Merle Bari, and provided a per-diem reimbursement for their meals and other expenses, VA said Friday. They wouldn’t say why Bari qualified for the reimbursements and taxpayer-funded airfare, other than to say she was traveling on “approved invitational orders” and had “temporary duty” travel expenses. We have to wait a year to get ONE vacation day.
Avoid paying for their FREE vacation:

What is your strategy for retirement withdrawals?
Your situation is unique so there are no rules about when and how much to withdrawal from your retirement accounts. First, determine where all the income may be coming from—old pensions, rollover IRAs, regular IRAs, Roth IRAs, savings, work, brokerage accounts. Second, get your SS benefit estimate at You need to plan whether taking your benefits at age 62 or 66 or 70 makes sense for you and your spouse. Visit your local office to decide the complexity. Third, plan for the IRS requirement to take your RMD at age 70.5. Use IRS worksheet to figure your ‘required’ amount: Basically, all your ‘deferred’ tax accounts are totaled and divided by your life expectancy. Each year, your trustee will calculate this amount. You must withdraw the RMD of all accounts or move all your money to one trustee so you have one number. Your plan can tell you how much to take each year to avoid IRS penalties. Consider taxes too. Where will you invest?

GOP cut health plan for 9 million poor children to spite Dems
Congress just allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provided low-cost health insurance to 9 million children, to expire. GOP would not bring renewal to vote so CHIP screening and immunizations will stop. Sick children will make others sick. CHIP was instrumental in lowering the percentage of children who were uninsured from nearly 14% to 4.5% in 2015. Amid unsuccessful efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the Republican-led Congress allowed the CHIP deadline to pass without action.
Trump and GOP must have a ‘win’ for the rich no matter what the cost!
GOP Rep claims health—life—is privilege for the few not a right as in “life, liberty, etc”

Best rides for the thrifty consumer
IF you need your vehicle to take you from here to there over and over again, you must use the CR report on the top 10. These are the most popular buys in America and most are made in America too. Ford provides the best and only pick up. Good design has made the difference between these 10 and those at the bottom of the reliability list at JD Power.

Medicare for All
GOP thinks health is a privilege for those who can afford it. Some attack Medicare since the tax we pay for it does not cover the whole cost. Some believe the individual must carry the cost otherwise people would not take care of themselves. Some consider that the government should not be responsible for individual health care because that is not its job. Others feel that the government is incompetent to run health care, like Amtrak—it is always in the red. However, when you consider that our taxes don’t cover all the weapons we make for war, that argument seems trivial. Our health care system has shown that individuals are responsible for their own health except when they can’t pay due to illness, unemployment, and other reasons out of their control. Medicare has been run to the delight of most seniors who use it. Medical special interest groups have kept Congress from fixing the cost overrun problem. We give more taxes for weapons than the generals can use and no Congress person is willing to fix the cost overruns. No one says we can’t afford to run up more debt for weapons. “I won’t let people die in the streets.” He will!
GOP doesn’t worry about the deficit except when it is used to pay for citizens’ needs.
Let’s get on with a solution that covers taxes and costs since we all need health.


Trump is still just a mafia contractor from Queens—Dad taught him to be The Don.

Smoking gun: “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an email to lawyer Cohen. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this.” Manafort tells Russian mob he will keep them informed about “our boy.”

Trump’s group places mob ties above country; it’s about money POWER not US service.

Jr meeting with Russian mob ties to tax refund fraud scheme.

Ministry of Truth1984 novel: Government propaganda is ‘truth’
Puerto Rico just ‘busted America’s budget’, ‘only 17 people died.’ No $ -- paper towels.
Puerto Rico debt ‘wiped out’; Budget chief: wealthy bond holders get “no bail out

Trump’s “middle-class miracle”; Rich bonus, some middle taxed, 2.4 T loan from China.
I have never considered leaving Sec State; Trump is a “f------ moron

My Theory:
No one expected him to win so no harm getting Putin help. Don owes Vlad’s mob money so they sent mob gofer Manafort to run the campaign. ‘Colluding’ Putin style.

TrumpWorld – using presidency to make money the old fashioned way: theft
Bribe the D.A. to drop the suit—fraud by Ivanka, Jr selling Trump Soho Cheats all!

Dictator talk time:
“When the president does it, that means it is not illegal,” Richard Nixon

Kushner used email after NSA warning; no disclosures on assets, USSR contacts.

The Don is moving us to a dictatorship where the only people who go to jail are his enemies and non whites he does not like. Racists and nationalists get pardons. If Flynn and Manafort get indicted by Mueller, The Don will just give them a “get out of jail free” card so they don’t rat him out.

Dictators use “back to law and order” to limit rights, fill jails, fund army, follow enemies.

The president can’t have a conflict of interest.” The Don is above the law?

Quid pro quo: "something for something."

Koch $ millions to target Dems in tax bill fight: Billionaires decide issues, not ‘reps’

Regulation is necessary: We need protection. Saves $12 billion of our money!

Fiat recalls 700,000 Jeeps Dodge SUV for bad brakes from water damage
Brian Murphy caught stealing $890,000 property and failure to pay income taxes
Carmax sells cars with outstanding recalls.

Mass kill in the Wild West—59 killed Las Vegas automatic weapon 90 round, clips
5,740 kids died from gunfire in the United States, just in 2008 and 2009. 9/11 X 2

Robert “Rusty” Tweed, Glendale, caught in fraud of $1.7 million
Coach, JCrew sued for deceptive pricing—‘sale’ is gimmick, we pay regular price.

How Govt wastes our money:
Wealthy don’t need the government’s taxes—80% of tax cuts go to 1%. 
Ivana Trump, the first wife offered an ambassadorship to the Czech Republic.

$10,000 for concert tickets—only the elites go to live entertainment
Flooded cars thousands will be sold unsuspecting used car buyers The Car Book advice.
Sale’ word used to deceive us about price at top stores

IBM employs more in India than US. Why Trump cannot bring back jobs to US?
Hurricanes make jobs—manufacturing at high but for how long?

Who owns your account now?

Congress can’t stop gun violence--fear NRA/losing elections. Blame illness, so 59 OK
            GOP blames CNN, disrespect for Trump, ISIS, freedom, NOT the auto weapons

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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