Friday, November 23, 2018

Compound interest provides $1 million

Can compound interest provide a $1 million retirement?
Are you saving and investing at least $250 a month in your retirement at work (401k, 403b) or IRA on your own? Are you putting most of the money in low-cost stock mutual funds? The other variable is time. Compound interest works when you have time on your side. It takes about 33 years ($250 a month, $3,000 a year) with total contributions of only $99,000 to reach $1,000,000. Even if you begin after age 30, you can still have much more than almost all your neighbors. According to Warren Buffett, “My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest.” Mr Buffett recommends we use low-cost funds like those at Vanguard. He confirms that compounding works over time if we do not try to time the market or trade the ‘hot’ securities. Look at any 33 year period of stock earnings. You earn 10-12%: Go with Buffett’s ‘Secret’.

What about ETF up 35% this year?
What are the gurus and TV marketing people so happy about? Your plain low-cost broad market index that Buffett recommends is flat for 2018. So what can financial people talk about? How about gold (JDST): Return year-to-date: 48.79%; One-month return: 28.66%. But after you look further, the three-year return is -77.62%. Natural gas? (UGAZ): Return year-to-date: 51.62%; One-month return: 22.37%. But three-year return: -51.43%. How about muni bonds (EVLMC)?: Return year-to-date: 100.76%; One-month return: 0.11%. No track record for a three-year return: N/A. So what about Treasuries (DLBS)?: Return year-to-date: 37.96%; One-month return: -0.74%. Not much better than your bank savings account in three-year return: 0.24%. 500 Index (VFIAX)?: Return YTD: 3.83%; 5 year: 11.3%; 10 year: 13.22%. Salespeople always have ‘shiny objects’.

Do you need a REAL middle-income tax break?
The REAL tax break from the GOP and Trump is the removal of the income cap on conversions from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. The 1.6% income increase for the average household earning $50,000 to $75,000 has been eaten up by tariffs and health care costs. Compare the $thousands you save in taxes during retirement when most of your income is tax-FREE and you no longer have to take taxable RMDs from your IRAs. For many, the elimination of tax on IRA distributions means their income can continue to grow after 70 ½ AND they will pay less tax or nothing on their SS benefits.

Health ins plan scams prey on the most vulnerable
“You can now get a great insurance plan at the price you can afford. We make it hassle free to sign up with the policies from Signa Blue Cross Etna United and many more. Press one now to get a hassle free assessment or press two to be placed on our do not call list. Thank you and it’s always be happy blessed.” Criminals promise inexpensive health care plans and take personal information that’s used to commit identity theft. In another version, victims are sold useless healthcare discount plans that scammers frame as cheaper than the consumers’ current health insurance. A Florida-based company named Simple Health Plans allegedly collected $100 million from tens of thousands of victims, Federal Trade Commission lawsuit.  Consumers paid up to $500 a month for a relatively worthless product, the agency said.

Do you own the absolute WORST funds?
Why do people pay much more for exactly the same commodities as others? Convenience? Inertia? B.S.? Misleading benefits? Some advisors are charging 2.33% for the same product as others charge 0.00%. Is that a ‘loss leader’? Sellers need to make something in order to compensate for time spent on other services they say. State Farm charges 1.34% for their plain 500 index fund. Do their customers believe they are buying an insurance product? Many insurers seem to be enjoying this extra profit. Perhaps customers are finally getting the message—net flows are negative for 3 and 5 years. Customers who feel more informed have chosen to separate financial providers/vendors. Vanguard, not brokers, offered the index in 1976 for less. It is now the largest mutual fund firm for a reason—costs matter. 11% vs 3.79% return on your money is huge.  

Another way the ‘Tax Credit’ class avoids paying their fair share
The IRS just issued proposed regulations stating that there will be no clawback of the use of any unified credit (gift tax exemption) before 2026 when the lifetime exemption will revert from $10 million to $5 million. Wealthy taxpayers may safely use the current $5+ million excess and, if death occurs after 2025, still have $5 million for estate tax purposes, thanks to the millionaire Congress. Similarly, a taxpayer could make a taxable gift now of $11.18 million without concern that there would be a phantom estate tax on their death after 2025. Passing on $11.18 million tax-free allows the kids to get the ‘head start they really need’? to create their own tax-advantaged business.


Make America, “The Don”, Great Again

Two Americas: A Banana Republic? Do we really want an infant king? Daddy Putin!


How Govt wastes our money: Congress spends $1.3 Trillion we don’t have! 
Trump’s stunt over: 5,800 troops not home for Thanksgiving. Cost us $220 million.

RoboCallers index: Top 100 callers by volume
Hackers control your pacemaker? Any electronic implant can be controlled by others.

First Choice Healthcare Solutions caught ‘pump and dump’ stock scam: $12.5 mil lost.
Elite Stock Research caught ‘pump and dump’ stock scam: $10. mil lost.
Giga Entertainment caught paying others to pump up sales software on Apple Store.

Check food: banned flavors--methyl eugenol, benzophenone, ethyl acrylate and pyridine.
Ford’s robot cars: “When we take the road, we know what doing and where the profit is.”
Trump attacks another distinguished patriot: draft dodger says he could have done better.

Cheryl Ann Stallings caught controlling client bank accounts for profit
Scott Newsholme, FL caught stealing $3.1 million by various fraud: jail 8.5 years

H. Beck MD caught allowing sale of unsuitable L-share variable annuities/riders. No jail.


The Mob Boss can never go to jail: Trump has Kava as Supreme so no indictment.
‘No man is above the law’ … well up till now. Dictators nullify courts first, then votes.
Supremes protect Don’s ‘Orders’? – GOP: Sure, pres can change Constitution anytime.


Who owns your account now?
Avoid mistakes like these in passing on your accounts and assets.

Foxconn coned WI into $4.1 BILLION subsidy: now orders down but taxpayers billed.

Where is the miracle that stops mass killings? More crazy people or mass destruction weapons?

20 million more of us have health insurance than in 2010! 28.5 million still not covered. We can do better: All the children in New England are insured. 

Mick and I live off of this fire between us” New rule: work past age 75 for a grand life.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042

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