Friday, July 31, 2020

Is portfolio re-balancing right for you?

GOP against lower drug prices but supports buying profit companies
Most US drugs cost 50-100% less for families in Canada and Europe. Some in Washington want to link some U.S. drug prices to the lower prices paid overseas. However, the drug industry and many Republicans taking their ‘gifts’ see it as a price control that violates ‘free-market’ principles. These same GOP members don’t see the violation of their so called “free-market principles” in buying 30% of YRC, a struggling trucking company. GOP backed our national bank in buying the lower-rated bonds of US firms starting in May. The GOP handed $ millions in forgivable loans to private plane companies that contributed to Trump elections. GOP wants to cut unemployment help to 50 million out of work because they say it keeps them from going back to work. GOP says $600 is “too generous and provides a disincentive for returning to work.” So GOP spends our money (future taxes) on their donors’ companies, creating a socialist economy but denies the jobless a means of survival until their jobs are safe to return to work.

Can Trump’s paramilitary occupy our cities to assure a Nov win?
With Trump’s unaccountable and masked paramilitary in our cities during election, can intimidation and violence scare voters into staying away from polls. They do that in some fascist countries? There does not seem to be any law or power that can dissuade him from continuing to hold Portland. He did it in Washington DC for the bible-walk PR stunt. Shooting tear gas at peaceful demonstrators in the park did not get a rise out of any law enforcement or the Congress. His own Justice Dept ‘watchdog’ is unlikely to find fault with the Boss over the invasion of Portland last month. He is the highest law enforcement actor and Commander of all the armed forces. He can just fire the ‘watchdogs’ like he did in the past. He has the money lined up to carry on a long court fight over the election results. He is invigorated by a fight. He has the Supremes primed to name him as President like Scalia did for Bush. Biden is wrong, there is no military other than Trump’s military since he is the supreme Commander. Look what happened in DC, Portland and next Chicago. He has the generals and Defense goose-stepping with him in the park after his troops cleared it. There is no one to stop him now and there won’t be on January 20. Only one brave public person has named this action: Philly DA: we have an “authoritarian dictator."

Wealthy are buying citizenships to avoid taxes and virus
Who do you think will be around to pay the new tax hikes required to pay for the huge federal and state budget gaps? Many wealthy folks are buying a way out of the current tax and disease environment. For as little as a $1.4 million you can isolate yourself and your family in a safe haven so you avoid taxes and yet can keep US military and health protection almost anywhere in the world. Like many corporate giants, you can claim your home somewhere else for certain benefits while living and earning in more pleasant surroundings. Specialty firms such as Henley & Partners, the world’s biggest citizenship and residency advisory firm, do most of the paperwork.

Trump’s watered-down fiduciary rules hurt our nest egg
Trump changed the Obama fiduciary rule to allow salespeople to take advantage of us when we move our retirement money from an employer. Critics claim this gives us less choice but the purpose of the Obama rule is to make sure we understand what happens to our money after the excessive fees, costs and possibility of loss with some products. Of greatest concern, said CFA director Roper, is that “many rollover recommendations won’t be held to a fiduciary standard, including the vast majority of recommendations to roll money out of a plan to purchase non-securities investments such as annuities, bitcoin, real estate, gold or other commodities. So precisely where the risks are greatest and the compensation related conflicts are greatest and the sales practice standards are weakest, the ERISA fiduciary standard will not apply." The Trump rule will allow financial advisors to receive many payments that would have been restricted or forbidden by the Obama rule, including commissions, 12b-1 fees, trailing commissions, sales loads, mark-ups and mark-downs, and revenue-sharing payments from investment providers or third parties, even within qualified plans and IRAs. High-cost products rob us of up to 63% total accumulation due to the compounding effect over time.

Is portfolio re-balancing right for you?
Has your advisor or TV guru mentioned selling some of your assets so you can buy other assets yet? This is the standard procedure for the financial sales industry. Selling and buying is how the industry creates revenue. But is this strategy good for your long-term accumulation. Many studies show that it can be good or bad depending on the performance, composition and relative size of your portfolio. Selling your winning stocks or mutual funds just because at the end of the quarter they exceeded your risk percentage only makes sense if your advisor knows they will keep growing. But advisors don’t know this. You may end up losing some valuable growth because you sold too soon. Because there is no consensus on when to sell/buy assets, most investors don’t bother. Many just use a fund that moves from stocks to bonds over a longer period. The popularity of the target-date funds show this is a practical strategy that ignores the issue. Other investors use a more intuitive strategy: designate contributions to the asset class less favored. Here you would not sell your winners; you just buy more of the losers. So when stocks soared in 2019, there has been no need to sell since stocks have returned to level ground in 2020. If you had traded stocks for bonds, you may have not been better off. For many long-term investors, stocks go up and then back down on their own. There is no need to sell to correct the balance. Stocks earn 11%; bonds earn 7% over time. Simply changing the destination of the next contribution cycle will do the job of maintaining your risk appetite. The outcome produces a delightful 8% with few bad years. The important decision is cost: Morningstar study: low-cost funds beat high-cost funds in every period.


Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—do we really want ‘low-IQMobster?

Philly DA: we have an “authoritarian dictator."
Dictator: “nobody likes me
Dictator: “I will delay Nov election

How Govt wastes our money: Congress gives 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 
Cashing-in on suffering of others: Corporate Insiders Pocket $1 Billions: vaccine work?
Trump’s $1 million WALL fell as ‘the environment’ said “no walls here.”

Fed chair: Worst economic downturn ‘in our lifetime’ warrants more help from Congress

Trump to build FBI hq next to his hotel: $1.75 billion for donors from virus payments
GOP Virus bill: wealthy can make PPP loan into grant and also deduct payments as expense

Now that wealthy have virus loans/free money, GOP to shut down spending for rest of us

Wealthy take virus loan/subsidy to keep employees then lay them off: on unemployment
2nd virus check: if you don’t file taxes,
Fed subsidizes capital so people who make money from money: bankers, hedgers, gamblers are riding high.

Trump mob: “kids are stoppers of disease: they don’t get it and transmit it themselves.”

Trump supporter Herman Cain at Tulsa rally, no mask: virus in 9 days, death in 30.
Trump vote-from-fear plan works: voters buy more gunsnow, home tear gas launchers.

Reagan org asks Trump and GOP to stop using the 40th president’s name and image  
Intolerance or cancel culture: no one is listening discussing anymore; my way or highway

Some biz add "COVID surcharge" to their bill: sanitize should be biz expense not mine
Coin shortage? Really, my bank won’t take coins! Some banks charge coin deposit Dah

Recall: Boeing 737 may stall in flight corroded fuel check valves been parked too long

AIG Variable Annuity firm stole $40 million from FL teachers steered to high-cost stuff.

Trump’s new religion/doctor: no masks, hydrochlorine, “God’s battle axe”, voo-doo

Is it a scam?  Check AARP scamline 877.908.3360.

Papa John’s to hire 10,000 more workers: Pizza is hot commodity

Who owns your account now?
Do other car owners hate their cars enough to change brands: Yes, Fiat Chrysler Dodge
Eight DNA Ancestry Services: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Low-cost generics from legit pharma: must pay a membership fee.

Vaccine candidates look promising but wont’ make reality go backward to 2019.
Mom shares her good fortune and community gives back: neighbor helping neighbor

Baghdad hit its highest temperature on record: 125.2 degrees: Arctic higher too

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