Will Biden minimum tax on corporations of 15% hurt you?
Most profitable large
companies pay little or no taxes. Our Congress people designed the tax laws
that way because the corporations pay for our representatives’ elections. Our
reps are “lobbied” by corporations at the rate
of 12 to 1. Is it any wonder that we pay 33% in tax while the
rich like Warren Buffett pay less than 18%. Most wealthy people have ways
to hide their incomes—overseas
or gimmicks.
Imagine if you could cut your taxes by promising you will never sell the trees
in your yard! A study of IRS records shows the wealthiest
pay only 15.8%. Some
pay nothing. Most working people don’t know about a simple way to avoid
taxes so they end up paying for the deficit
created by the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. Just by
investing in a special IRS-approved account at your job or mutual fund or bank,
you can avoid paying fed and state taxes.
Use your tax-FREE IRS account: https://www.amazon.com/New-American-Retirement-System-ReserveTM/dp/1461030072/
Give your graduate the best gift you can give them: tax-FREE money
High school and college graduates need the best gift you can give
them: a future of tax-FREE income. Get them started now since your gift can
grow many times its value over time. For instance, $50
invested now can provide them with $20,000 when they need it later. Since
you have started your grad off with this special IRS-approved tax shelter
they will find it easier to keep saving/investing the right way. They will end
up with a tax-FREE retirement. They can create a $500,000
tax-FREE account. Some
young people have grown their accounts to over $1 million by investing $167 a
month while they work. They will pay NO taxes on their wealth. They can avoid
future tax increases. They can boost their savings by 30% with just the
fed/state tax savings alone. And if they need a home down payment or business start
up fund, they can use the contributions tax and penalty FREE.
Perfect gift: https://www.amazon.com/Tax-Shelter-Young-Americans/dp/1500426520
Claim your $55,000 average ‘lost’ pension 401k account
We change jobs on average 12 times during our work years. Sometimes we forget or don’t know how to move this money. We also leave money at utility and bank accounts with lesser amounts. Sometimes we are the heir but no one told us. That was the case with MetLife and other insurers sitting on unclaimed benefits for years. Insurers don’t work hard to find heirs. They don’t have an incentive since they can continue to make money on our money. When my father died, I found he had bought life insurance for me 40 years ago. The insurer never sought me, the beneficiary. We have nearly $1.35 trillion left behind in retirement accounts that are connected to previous employers, according to a new study. Twenty-four million of us have money paying fees to old employers or their brokers. In most cases you are better off moving your money to a low-cost IRA provider like Vanguard. Contact all your former employers and the National Registry and get the details. Ask Vanguard to help you move the money to one of their IRA rollover mutual funds. You could double your $55,000 in about 8 years using a low-cost stock fund like the 500 Index. Vanguard moved my old IRA from a bank in just 3 weeks.
Pay less; earn more: https://www.amazon.com/Tune-your-401k-EARN-Tax-FREE/dp/1490591028
Where can your child invest those graduation gifts?
Make sure you teach your kids how to create wealth the easy way. My parents were not investors. At my first job, I had no clue which investment option to use for my 401k contribution and company match. The HR person told me to put it into the 'safe' stable value fund. That was the worst choice at my age I learned later when I got my securities licenses. If I had followed their advice I would have ended up with $150,000 instead of a Wealth Reserve of $877,233 about 33 years later. We have used this 'Wealth Reserve' as I call it to have funds to buy low-cost high-deductible insurance, to buy two homes and 5 cars with higher down payments or cash, and now to receive $2,500 a monthly in retirement supplement. Investing requires patience not fast trading.
Time not trading: https://www.amazon.com/Give-your-child-leg-manage/dp/1096505355
Is paying off your mortgage early right for you?
I get questions about this option many times and it isn’t
easy to answer. No one answer fits for most people. Example: a couple in their
60s had worked all their lives but ran into difficulties in the late 90s. One
spouse couldn’t find work after an industry consolidation. He took early Social
Security at a lower benefit. They had to declare bankruptcy but kept their
qualified investments (IRAs, 401ks, 403b) and their home. They took advantage
of low rates to refinance the $250,000 mortgage in 2010. In
Make a plan: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Retirement-Spending-Plan-enough/dp/1461084016
Why is the stock market the only place to fight inflation?
When inflation is low, the stock market returns over 12% (if you use a low-cost fund or broker). When it is high, stocks are the only hedge against falling buying power. Sure, bank CDs and bonds are less volatile but most of us lose money—earn 2%, inflation 3%, taxes 5%. Most retirees need to keep most of their money in the stock market. More folks are living longer—30-40 years without wages. And you may need part of your nest egg to pay for health or living care later in life. To maintain income for 30-40 years, you need to earn more than the inflation rate. Warren Buffett advises retirees to hold one stock fund for growth and one fund for retirement annual expenses. While one will provide over 10% return on average, the other provides a fixed income each year. For many folks, the IRS specifies the amount of taxable income they must take from their nest egg of stock funds. The stock market is the safest place to invest in retirement—it kills higher prices.
Take Buffett’s advice: https://www.amazon.com/Warren-Buffetts-Vanguard-Funds-Retirement/dp/1496148592
Can you retire on dividends?
Yes you can; just like the wealthy. ELON MUSK, JEFF BEZOS, AND WARREN BUFFETT AGREE: PAYING TAXES IS FOR POOR PEOPLE. Real estate queen Leona Helmsley made the same comment 25 years ago. Raising the income tax to 33%—the rate most of us pay—would have no impact on those with $ billions. Most of the wealth accumulation of these folks is not called income according to the tax laws written by the millionaires we elected to Congress. Dividend-producing stocks like Coke and J&J throw off 3% yield at best. With a portfolio of $1 million, you must live on $30,000 a year. If inflation runs at 2%-3% a year, you will not be able to keep up with rising prices. You will need to sell some stocks for income—creating capital gains tax on top of the tax on dividends. You can invest in more speculative stocks which provide higher yields. You can also use a low-cost dividend-focused mutual fund like Vanguard’s Dividend Appreciation Index. It has strong annual returns of over 10% since 2013. When stock growth is falling, the dividends provide a solid income stream. A balanced portfolio in retirement can generate dividends which are taxed at a lower rate than the income from IRAs and pensions. Thus high dividend stocks should not be placed in these accounts. A cash account with dividend stocks as an asset is not taxed as income as it accumulates value. Another asset with dividends is commercial property owned by a real estate trust like the Real Estate Index offering 10% annual returns since 2001. Of course with enough time you can build a tax-FREE retirement with many assets.
You can retire with no income tax: the best deal
It is now possible to retire with no income taxes. Using the IRS own tax shelter, you accumulate and grow your nest egg over your working life and then spend it all when you retire. This account was created in 1997 for those workers who wanted to avoid income taxes later by paying them now on their earnings. So if you were investing $250 a month in this account after taxes (not tax-deferred like a 401k) you could see your $3,000 a year contributions to a stock fund grow tax-FREE to over $1 million in 30-33 years and then pay no taxes on the growth. You contribute $100,000 over time and SPEND over $1,000,000 without taxes. Because your taxable income is low, you pay no taxes on your Social Security benefits either. Because this account is not a 401k or IRA rollover, you are not forced to withdrawal your nest egg at a rate determined by the IRS. No RMD and no taxes and you can spend the full amount or leave to heirs. Your spouse does the same.
Retire Tax FREE: https://www.amazon.com/Tax-FREE-Retirement-code-lifetime-income/dp/1475206976
Like 1776, this
period is a test
of democracy—We
rejected an "American
we reject American fascism again?
uses fear to retain power
state vs blue cities: political civil war?
+ Manchin assure all Dems can’t vote in ‘24
Coup: “We
are here to take over the Capitol, we are here to hang Mike Pence”
How Govt wastes our money:
One closet GOP senator holds up American voting bill and jobs measures: WV pride?
Some states ban teachers from racial discrimination education: Scopes trial II
Wealthiest — like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk Jeff Bezos — paid little in taxes.
Biden’s Justice lawyers defend Trump against rape victim’s case in court
Millions of vax expire soon as death toll nears 600,000
Judge lifts CA
assault weapons ban: “Good
for both home and battle” personal
Legal: buy assault
weapon w/o license in TX and drive
to CA to kill 30 at a time
votes against equal pay for equal work: McConnell says “bipartisan” era
Fake medical professional
reviews: beware:
glowing ‘patient’ reviews: just hype?
at-home DNA tests ‘extremely poor’ at finding rare genetic disorders,
employers CAN’T require vax so cruses become very risky passengers infected
Centaurus Financial caught
hiding fees; misinformation conflict of interest. Fine
Investment Scams Skyrocket: ponzi schemes in sheep’s clothing
JPMorgan freezes
donations to Republicans who contested 2020 election
Paul R. McGonigle MA
stealing $300,000 from client annuities; fake ID
Holly Hand Chad
Calice caught
insider trading Neuralstem stock: fine no jail
David Aaron Rockwell
FL caught
stealing $1 million forging fake loans: 5 years jail
BEWARE: your
advisor/broker uses testimonials to sell you Truth is in the fees.
doctor testimony: people
magnetized by vaccines!
Biz, even medical
practices can pay Facebook groups to post fake reviews: “magnetize”
give criminals $11 million instead of using IT backup: encourages more
IRS: Easy Steps to Protect Your Computer and Phone and Avoid Phishing Emails.
IRS: Free special ID
protection PIN goes on your return so scammers
can’t take refund
IRS: Previous tax
returns available online: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript
IRS tips to avoid
scams: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-scams-consumer-alerts
Is it a scam? Check AARP scamline
877.908.3360. BBB
Scam tracker
IRS: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/dirty-dozen-part-1-taxpayers-should-be-on-the-lookout-for-these-scams
Find tax preparer: https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/choosing-a-tax-professional
Check Social
Security: https://blog.ssa.gov/
Safeguard data:
ConsumerReports help: https://securityplanner.consumerreports.org/
may do your next interview: evaluates interview responses; gives manager a
Who owns your account now?
Amazon is using your WiFi to share Echo & Ring networks in the neighborhood.
pill to fight high-risk breast cancer.
gets to teach kids with college degree after 23 years of cleaning up after kids
approves first drug to slow decline of Alzheimer’s disease
treatment cuts weight 15% but costs $1300 a month: “feel full” so don’t eat
We can apply for
Medicare online: https://blog.ssa.gov/apply-for-medicare-online
We can apply for
Social Security online: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/
We can apply for
health care online: https://www.healthcare.gov/
41 Watchung Plaza,
Alerts available
at http://dankeppel.blogspot.com/
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