Friday, May 9, 2014

Why send your taxes to states that don't want them?

Why send your taxes to states that don't want them?
Many of the red states take more of our tax dollars than they pay in. If they hate the federal government so much, why are they taking all the money? If Texas wants to succeed, why rely on my taxes to do it. See your state:

Best time to start an IRA?
Parents can guarantee their child a future when they start their first job (even chores). You can match your child’s earnings in a Roth IRA and give them a head start on college, home, business, a brighter future. With each $100 they earn, you can place $100 in a Roth IRA. If they have $12,000 in their Roth by age 21, it could grow to a $1 million by age 66. Better than child life insurance. If they keep adding to your gifts, they could have $70,000 in 10 years, $200,000 in 20, and so on. They can even borrow from their Roth for emergencies with no tax or penalty. Start today:

Need health care insurance?
If you were just laid off or are using a COBRA policy, you may be able to take advantage of the ObamaCare subsidies for a policy at substantial savings. For those who still have COBRA coverage, purchasing coverage on the marketplace could save thousands of dollars a year. Under COBRA, you pay the full cost of your old employer’s coverage. Through Obamacare, individuals and families can purchase coverage that, depending on their income, could be subsidized by hundreds of dollars a month. Call 1-800-318-2596 to activate the special enrollment period and tell the representative that you are calling about their COBRA benefits and the marketplace. If determined to be eligible, they may shop online or over the phone. They are allowing special enrollment periods for those whose individual market plans are renewing outside of open enrollment and for AmeriCorps, VISTA and National Civilian Community Corps members. In addition to the special enrollment periods, the Affordable Care Act also permits people to shop for coverage if they undergo significant life events, including loss of a job, divorce, marriage and birth of a child, among other things.

NJ pays highest health care premium
New Jersey customers had the highest average monthly premium for family plans, at $987 a month. For individual coverage, New Jersey shoppers chose plans with the third-highest price tag — $346 a month — below only New York and Massachusetts.
One factor driving those high costs was their choice of policies with lower annual deductibles. The average deductible for a family plan chosen by New Jersey customers was $3,912 — the second-lowest behind onlyMassachusetts. By comparison, deductibles chosen by residents in AlaskaIllinois and Texas topped $10,000. Offering more people health insurance could save tens of thousands of lives nationwide in the coming years, a new analysis of data from Massachusetts, whose trailblazing reforms became the model for President Obama's health law, suggests. Buy only what you need:

Supremes may force lower 401k fees
A long-awaited case about employers’ duty to offer low-cost mutual funds in their 401k may be heard this year. The U.S. Department of Labor calculates that a 1-percentage-point difference in costs for a 35-year-old worker could reduce a retiree's account balance by 28 percent at retirement age. The case charges that California-based utility Edison International (Tibble v. Edison International) offered mutual funds carrying retail share price fees, when the same funds could have been had at lower institutional prices. The higher expenses paid by plan participants were shared by the mutual funds and the plan's record keeper, the lawsuit charges. In turn,Edison allegedly received a reduction from the record keeper in the fees it pays for plan administration. Pension funds usually pay less than 0.25%. Check your fees:
If your employer does not match your contributions, you can buy a tax-FREE retirement with costs under 0.20% not 1.5%:

GOP Crazies say ObamaCare healthcare=Holocaust death sentence
“Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of mandatory (sic) sign ups for “train rides” for Jews in the 40s,” TN State Sen. Stacey Campfield.

The challenge in Missouri comes as Tesla appeals New Jersey’s March decision to ban direct auto sales by manufacturers and the company works to keep selling Model S sedans at its Massachusetts stores. While Texasand Arizona also bar direct sales of Teslas, the Palo Alto, California-based company worked out arrangements inOhio and New York this year to keep selling in those states.
And the GOP says it wants FREEDOM from regulations?!?

Insurers say most applicants have paid ObamaCare premiums
Paul Wingle, the executive director of exchange operations and strategy at Aetna, said: “As of the third week of April, Aetna had over 600,000 members who had enrolled and roughly 500,000 members who had paid. GOP commentators were claiming ObamaCare failed again.

GOP House committee says climate changes not linked to humans
The House Energy and Commerce Committee Tuesday voted down by 2 votes an amendment that would have stated conclusively that climate change is occurring. For the sake of coal and oil company profits and House members’ campaign coffers, the world will lose millions of miles of coastline from 53 meters of rising water sooner than they think.

IL drivers pay more
State Farm, Illinois' biggest car insurer, plans to raise its auto rates in the state by an average of 2.3 percent starting May 26. Shop and use your discounts now:

BEWARE: UBS out to take more fees from your accounts
CEO challenges brokers to do more lending and boost margins. UBS chief executive Robert McCann raised targets for the firm's 7,100 financial advisers, saying lending and managed accounts would boost profit margins. A critical component was increasing the number of advisers providing clients with high-cost mortgages. Also the goal is to have more than 40% of client assets in managed accounts in the next three years, he said. Managed accounts have high fees no matter how much you gain or lose. UBS wants to cut the expense of paying brokers to move from other banks.
Use Buffett’s strategy and avoid high fees for poor returns:

The Patience Way to Wealth The Wealth Tao: Wu wei (Do Nothing)  by Zhou Wang
Patience is important in life and in building wealth. Most investors are not patient so most investors are not wealthy. In fact, the average investor earns only 2.56% annually according to DALBAR’s annual Qualitative Analysis of Investor Behavior. Mr
Buffett's strategy of patience is the most successful. He earns about 20% a year compounded over time. “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”      Warren Buffett

SCAMS           Why are we still paying $700 Billion a year for WWII deployments?
We are paying for 164,253 of our active-duty armed personnel to be in 150 countries around the world. We have about 50,000 in Japan and 50,000 in Germany.
Are we preparing for WWII again? There are 1,208,083[1] armed personnel in the United States. Our taxes pay for about HALF of the WORLD’s military expenditures every year.
We just can’t afford to pay for everyone else’s defenses anymore.

Our tax money, $1 billion to Russia for helicopters ship to Afghanistan?
Can you believe our ‘reps’ are so stupid? Lobbyists win again. No bid contracts. OMG
We make great helicopters in PA. Let the Afghans buy their own f___ helicopters.

Why using spy plane over LA? Are there skinhead missiles there?
A spy plane was responsible for a computer glitch that caused air-traffic chaos in western US states last week, the Federal Aviation Administration has revealed. The meltdown occurred when software incorrectly thought the plane was on a collision course with other airplanes. The system was overloaded as it struggled to plot new courses for affected aircraft. Hundreds of planes were grounded at Los Angeles International airport.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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