Friday, October 30, 2015

Buffett: Where to put your money now

Where does Warren Buffett advise you to put your money now?
Warren Buffett has been clear about what we should do when the market goes down. He has explained how to be a successful investor. His advice was easy to follow and we don’t need a broker to execute his strategy. His advice saves us giving away up to 63% of our possible nest egg. We can earn over 10% a year.

Corporations change earnings to lower their taxes—we get the bill
Study finds that cooking the books is contagious and CEOs mimic other cheaters to keep their bonuses. Study show that a ‘little’ cheating is copied by other CEOs. It is hard for working Americans to pull off “revenue manipulation, expense account fudging, loans for 1% and massaging of inventory, assets or restructuring accounts.” Only 507 violations of the federal securities laws in fiscal 2015 were posted by the SEC. “The more important issue is to stop the thousands of others.” Regulation only halts cheating temporarily so we eventually pay their taxes now or as deficits later. Corporations are NOT people.

Do you manage your investments like an NFL quarterback?
Sports Illustrated estimated that 60 percent of N.B.A. players endured bankruptcy or dire financial straits in retirement. Unfortunately, most athletes and working Americans don’t know a thing about managing their money. Wall Street has destroyed any move to teach us financial literacy, claiming we must pay “professionals” (read salesmen) to do it. And we do. But results are poor. Most of us, like millionaire athletes, lose HALF of our potential earnings to middlemen. Keep all your earnings.

Did your broker receive trips to Tahiti for selling you that annuity?
Yes, insurers make a lot of money from your annuity money. To compete, they must give your advisor an incentive. There are few good deals from your point of view and many good deals from their view. There are no refunds if the advisor promises are broken.

GOP tax cuts spell doom for Kansas
KS GOP legislature must reduce spending and borrow again because promised benefits from the decrease in taxes haven’t happended. "The income-tax cuts passed in 2012 and ’13 were way too steep and way too quick," said Senator Jeff Longbine, a Republican from Emporia. "The revenue continues to decline and we have to do something."
KS encapsulates a broader ideological debate over the influence that tax cuts have on economic performance. Republican presidential candidates have each endorsed federal tax reductions in the belief that they will spur investment. Tax cuts don’t spur investment because wealthy send their money elsewhere to earn more and buy our President.

Does our President need to be smart?

Trump: “I’m smart. I make deals with China. I can deport 11 million.” Cost “unknown
            Polls aren’t “very scientific:” I dropped in some polls. “I don’t get it.” But “I am a             great Christian.Hannity assures us Trump has great taste in ties.
Dr Ben: “I cut 2 kids’ heads. I can end Medicare, Medicaid” Evolution is “fairy tale.”
            “America must resist gun control: Nazi Germany is US model”—talk raises polls
            Snake oil firm pays me, yes, but no ‘relationshp.’
Cruz: We don’t need gov employees—why pay Social Security, Vets, others? New tax of             16% on everything we buy shifts taxes to poor: Rich would pay 10% not 26.5%.
Jeb: I can overhaul (cut) Social Security and Medicare (vouchers) and lower taxes for             rich while increasing military spending and pollution like my bro.
Kasich: GOP candidates are promising crazy things voters will never vote for. DEM?
Rubio: Of course I’m not there to vote—there is nothing to vote on.
Christie: “I’m glad I don’t read the NY Times.” Bridgegate is boring.
GOP: Benghazi committee cost us over $4.5 million but Clinton polls UP

Is Long-term care insurance right for you?
More than one-third of LTC insurance policyholders who buy policies at age 65 or older let their coverage, says Boston College CRR. The study concludes that individuals most likely to let a policy lapse are those who need the coverage most -- those with cognitive impairment and might soon need care, or those with low income and wealth, who would be in financial jeopardy in a medical crisis. Buyers may have to pay premiums for 30 years; paying over $120,000 ($2000 each) and never get to use coverage for only 2 years after 3 month waiting period. Not right for most people. 

We need regulation bec/ people don’t always use golden rule -- GOP is wrong
Fidelity caught using unlicensed advisors! We pay but don’t get licensed and we are not             allowed to sue a Wall Street firm. BrokerCheck has no data. Perfect scam.
Welfare for Rich—Rich get 1% loan but poor pay 8% for college ed loans with no jobs.
Police can’t throw black students across the room after banging head on floor, anymore.
SNAAC, auto lender to servicemembers stopped for illegal debt collection practices
Corinthian Colleges caught promising jobs, giving loans, and illegal debt collections.
Employee background-check firms caught ruining chance for job and reputational harm.
Student Financial Resource Ctr and College Financial Adv. caught misleading on loans

GOP changes mind on climate change after their Merlot fails?
Bordeaux wine growers hit by record heat face changing variety of grapes—using Portuguese varieties instead. Agnes Destrac’s shriveled merlot grapes are left to rot.

Scalia: Supreme Court responsible for ‘destruction of our democratic system'
Scalia thinks giving people the right to marry whoever they want is destroying democracy but doesn’t see that letting billionaires and foreign countries buy our elected officials is really destroying our democracy.

Is your new car on the least reliable list?

Wall Street self-regulator covers up bad broker activity still
FINRA has failed to live up to its promise that the settlements would not be removed from BrokerCheck unless they have little investor protection value.

IRS says scammers now use official address and letterhead via mail
Some schemes provide an actual IRS address where they tell the victim to mail a receipt for the payment they make. Others use emails that contain a fake IRS document with a phone number or an email address for a reply. These scams often use official IRS letterhead in emails or regular mail that they send to their victims. They try these ploys to make the ruse look official. Confirm legit by sending copy to: Internal Revenue Service Lead Development Center Stop MS5040 24000 Avila Road Laguna Niguel, California 92677-3405 or Fax: (877) 477-9135           

Chubb shareholders opposed an $80 million golden parachute payment for CEO John Finnegan, who struck a deal to sell the insurer to Ace Ltd.

GM recalls cars for THIRD time for fire
For third time in seven years, General Motors is recalling cars that can leak oil and catch fire, in some instances damaging garages and homes. The recall, which covers 1.4 million vehicles dating to the 1997 model year, is needed because repairs from the first two recalls didn't work. More than 1,300 cars caught fire after they were fixed by dealers, the company said.

Fidelity caught using unlicensed advisors!
Massachusetts has charged Fidelity with knowingly allowing unregistered individuals to act as investment advisors for Fidelity customers.

House Benghazi committee cost us more than $4.5 million to make Clinton drop

“We must guard against the militaryindustrial complex.” 1960, Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, ISIL, Ukraine, Cameroon
US knew US would fail in Vietnam in 1965 but still 1.3 million dead, Kissinger diary.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
Will GOP use taxes to move Alaska town due to global warming they don’t accept?

We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Syria/Iraq/Afgan/            Ukraine/Cameroon. Obama keeps 9,800 in Afghanistan        
            Taliban captures Kunduz, Afghans run. We bomb hospital instead.

            We pay bonus for kills – no wonder the world hates us!
             Saudi’s just bombed Doctors Without Borders hospital even with GPS

We are sending “several dozen special operations forces into Syria.” Just like Vietnam.
We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them arms/money.

100,000 our military in Germany and Japan….still. Why? Costs us $200 billion.
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and another base there.

Who owns your account now?
Principal shut hedge fund Liongate after fee-conscious investors withdrew too much money from its funds. Investors dislike extra fees for poor performance.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

Friday, October 23, 2015

Wealthy make us pay their taxes thanks to Congress

Wealthy use these loopholes and tax havens to make us pay their taxes
Economists are now focusing on how and where the rich hide from taxation. We pay either now or later when deficits are higher. Can you use these tricks or havens: Sports ticket charity, art ‘museum,’ GRAT, truck/hybrid, 529, hire tax lawyer in Caymans, Lux, Swiss, or make your official “address” in Ireland, Bermuda, Virgin Is, Netherlands, Singapore, etc? Rich pay our elected officials to maintain the current tax evasion system. Eventually, top 1% will have us pay all of their taxes. Already they say: “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” 

Warren Buffett as your investment advisor!
You are better off managing your own accounts free with his 5 lessons to live by:
My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest.
We continue to make more money when snoring than when active.
I pay at a lower overall tax rate than all of my office employees.
...our favorite holding period is forever.
A low-cost index fund is the most sensible equity investment for the great majority of investors.

Did your broker rob you of your discounts?
12 broker-dealers were fined for failing to give discounts on sales when you buy in quantity. They call them ‘breakpoints’ and you may have paid the full load without the discounts up front in addition to the expenses each year and the back-end load. You may get some money back but you will have to wait. Why give up 63% of your returns?

Principal Financial shuts hedge fund Liongate—fees too high
Fee-conscious investors withdrew too much money from its funds. Investors dislike extra fees for poor performance. You should only pay when performance is outstanding.

GOP Freedom Caucus wants freedom from government not really to govern
Anarchists in GOP don’t want Ryan, Boehner or any ‘Leader’ so they can keep obstructing government. They keep getting paid for no work and love it. Freedom means party every night in Washington without the hard compromise work. Freedom Caucus has said “he [Ryan] is too willing to compromise.” They will stop SS, Medicare, Vets, all but guns! As Reagan said Government is NOT the solution, it’s the problem.
But Reagan raised taxes 11 times, tripled the deficit, gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented, sold weapons to Iran and created 300,000 fed Vet Adm.  

Is a FREE smart phone plan right for you?
If you need a phone only when you travel because you have a landline for regular calls, try I have been using for 3 mo with ZERO monthly charge. I bought smart phone from Sprint and moved my cell number from Tracfon but the FREE monthly minutes and data are enough for me to make the travel calls I need. It is my car phone. It costs me NOTHING now.
Does our President need to be honest?

Hillary: Called GOP bluff! Why FBI now? Trust her? It’s always the lies after.
Carson: Voter suppression laws not racist—just so happens they exclude DEMs?
            Replace Medicare/Medicaid with savings account? Honestly, what BS?
Trump: Can an entertainer/real estate salesman be honest?
Cruz: Shutting down gov. qualifies you to be Pres.?
Jeb: Using W’s advisors to justify W’s failures works?
Ryan: I want to be THE leader. Not the F___ing ‘Führer’ of GOP Anarchists!

Sanders rejects Shkreli’s donations—Shkreli raised price of AIDS drug $14 to $750.

Biden: I was against killing B Laden before, then for it AFTER? Wobble?
Webb quits—not enough questions in debate—really a republican?
Lincoln will NOT be Pres. Chafee quits after being Blitzed by Blitz.

GOP torture instigated by Cheney did NOT keep us safe!
Cheney’s methods were not effective for useful info. Police/Gov now use Cognitive Interview since new study finds better results. Cheney tactics are not as effective as just asking a few open ended questions with promise of better tomorrow. Confession/truth does not come from Cheney’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” – only more lies because prisoner sees no better tomorrow. Brutality instead of results only makes sense to sadists. Get more flies with honey!

We need regulation because…
Drones for fun can kill people and airplanes, says Feds.
Brokers rob investors all the time—no discounts, misprice bonds, etc etc.
GOP wants to end regulation of Wall Street and leave us to bail them again.

Fox News Wayne Simmons arrested for fraud, wire fraud, and making false statements.

OR college mass murderer acted like “playing a video game”
"He was so nonchalant through it all, like he was playing a video game and showed no emotion. The shots knocked me to the ground and felt like a truck hit me," Mintz said.  Is that what goes through the mind of mass attackers?

6 year-old kills 3 year-old playing with gun
Dad ‘hides’ loaded gun and then shows kid where he puts it. What kind of parent does this?
Angry driver kills 4 year-old because Dad in wrong lane. It is just like a video game!

New transmissions for some cars are problem—CR
Consumer Reports cites some tranny problems with long list of new cars. Maybe wait for fix or buy 3 year old to save 50%. I just got a Camry ’12 for about $13K w/o trade. New ’16 stocks will fill used lots by Dec according to some trenders. I looked at JD Power 3 year old car problem study to make sure. Could not afford Lexus and Buick so Toyota:

Why is the economy not as strong as it used to be?
One reason is clear. 70% of our economy is the result of us spending – buying everyday things. If we don’t spend; business don’t sell and we don’t get paid. Wages are NOT increasing yet almost all our expenses are. Wages are the same as in the ‘70s if you include inflation (6 cent stamp is now $0.49). The best paying factory jobs like making cars pay $28/hr tops. Now after Detroit bankruptcies and NAFTA, few cars are made here. New workers at Fiat’s Chrysler earn only $15.78 ($32,822 a year), and can hardly afford a Fiat. Worse, if we adjust for inflation, Fiat pays less than Henry Ford in 1914. Have you driven a FiatChrysler lately? Who can eat/sleep and save for college, retirement and health on $32,822? America is returning to the ‘good old’ Robber Baron days!

In case you are thinking of sending your car to FL by ITSELF
Tesla cars on autopilot in run from NY to LA encounter problems when lane lines disappear or you set car to go 90 mph on open road.

“We must guard against the militaryindustrial complex.” 1960, Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, ISIL, Ukraine, Cameroon
US knew US would fail in Vietnam in 1965 but still 1.3 million dead, Kissinger diary.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
Will GOP use taxes to move Alaska town due to global warming they don’t accept?

We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Syria/Iraq/Afgan/            Ukraine/Cameroon. Obama keeps 9,800 in Afghanistan        
            Taliban captures Kunduz, Afghans run. We bomb hospital instead.

            We pay bonus for kills – no wonder the world hates us!

We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them arms/money.

100,000 our military in Germany and Japan….still. Why? Costs us $200 billion.
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and another base there.

Who owns your account now?
Principal shut hedge fund Liongate after fee-conscious investors withdrew too much money from its funds. Investors dislike extra fees for poor performance.

Consumer Reports dropped its recommendation of the $127K Model S after owners of the electric luxury sedan complained of a series of problems including squeaking noises, motors that needed to be changed and issues with the car’s automatic door handles.

Wall Street self-regulator covers up bad broker activity still
FINRA has failed to live up to its promise that the settlements would not be removed from BrokerCheck unless they have little investor protection value.

IRS says scammers now use official address and letterhead via mail
Some schemes provide an actual IRS address where they tell the victim to mail a receipt for the payment they make. Others use emails that contain a fake IRS document with a phone number or an email address for a reply. These scams often use official IRS letterhead in emails or regular mail that they send to their victims. They try these ploys to make the ruse look official. Confirm legit by sending copy to: Internal Revenue Service Lead Development Center Stop MS5040 24000 Avila Road Laguna Niguel, California 92677-3405 or Fax: (877) 477-9135           

Paul Lee Moore, Coast Capital Markets, San Diego, guilty of fraud. Stole $2.6 Mil. In Ponzi. Any jail time?

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

Friday, October 16, 2015

Rich can afford to evade their taxes. Can you?

Rich can afford to evade their taxes—Can you?
American companies now have an estimated $2.1 trillion in untaxed profits stashed overseas, big sums of which belong to Apple, General Electric, and Microsoft. Walmart is also a major overseas tax dodger, according to a new report from Americans for Tax Fairness, a liberal-leaning think tank and advocacy group. The world's largest retailer has stashed $64 billion worth of assets in Luxembourg, Europe's smallest and most notorious tax haven. Walmart reported paying less than 1 percent in tax to Luxembourg.

Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and ISIL and Ukraine ops. 

Fees, some hidden, destroy our retirement chances
“The only thing I’m sure about in investing is the lower the fee I pay, the more there’s going to be for me,” said Burton G. Malkiel, a professor emeritus of economics at Princeton. Many workers think their 401k account is FREE. Fees over TIME really hurt! $10,000 in a fund charging 0.33 percent and returning an annual average of 10 percent would be worth about $100,000 after 25 years, while the same investment in a fund charging 1.69 percent would be worth only $70,000. Boomers, retiring at 10,000 per day, will find they have 30% to 50% LESS than they thought they would have.

Does our President need to know scientific facts?  

POTUS candidates need to read Rev. Watt’s The Improvement of the Mind 1786 to learn to use precise language and be guided by observed facts.

            “Baltimore Police said that they could not find any report” of Popeye holdup!
Jeb: Repeal ObamaCare and let states decide if poor are covered—same old same old!
Kasich: "get over" reforms (CUTS) to Social Security. Now says "silly" joke.
Christie: NJ GOP tells him to forgetaboutit. Quitting race?

“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1821-1881

158 families paying for political decisions now—US ‘Democracy’ like Russia?
Just 158 families, along with companies they own or control, contributed $176 million in the first phase of the campaign, a New York Times investigation found.

GOP may stop your pay or SS check but not their own!
Retirees, military officers and federal workers care. Congress has until early November to compromise on raising the debt ceiling, or we might not get checks for rents, mortgages, food, or the holiday rush. Congress people have already set aside their own pay though. Millions of elderly count on their SS checks to eat. Fed workers still pay rent or mortgage. Congress gets $174,000 so maybe they will lend you some? Just ask.

Why GOP is wrong on regulation: We need regulation--Founders’ check/balances
Appliances marked Energy Star were frauds--not energy efficient as claimed.
Dishwashers tested with clean dishes always A+ in reviews by makers.
Apartment building burns 1,000 homeless—no fire wall regulation in NJ
US Air will look like China’s air—Kills 4,000 every DAY
Free market myth: Financial manipulation requires us to rescue rich over and over.

GOP wants to win so bad they limit votes for DEMs
Kansas is one of four states that require proof of citizenship to register to vote, along with Alabama, Arizona and Georgia. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, only Kansas and Arizona are currently enforcing the law. In Georgia, officials said they were still smoothing out legal and technological requirements and did not yet have a timeline for when the law would take effect. In Alabama, the secretary of state’s office said that its proof of citizenship law conflicted with a federal law and could not currently be enforced.
Voter fraud does not exist according to many studies. KS has found none since 1861.

Wealthy take KS tax cuts to FL
KS tax court can’t read own laws—GOP austerity budget out $42 million on tax court mistake. Rich play states against states in hiding asset gains. Rich claim residency in FL to avoid tax—work anywhere.

GOP former speaker of the House makes deal to avoid prison
Martha got HALF a year for lying to Feds. No sex crime charges filed. Denny gets ? jail time. Other speaker Tom deLay was convicted of violating election law but TX overturned his 3 year sentence last year. No jail time.

“We must guard against the militaryindustrial complex.” 1960, Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and ISIL and Ukraine ops. 
US knew US would fail in Vietnam in 1965 but still 1.3 million dead, Kissinger diary.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
Will GOP use taxes to move Alaska town due to global warming they don’t accept?

We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Syria/Iraq/Afgan/            Ukraine/Cameroon. Obama keeps 9,800 in Afghanistan        
            Taliban captures Kunduz, Afghans run. We bomb hospital instead.

            We pay bonus for kills – no wonder the world hates us!

We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them arms/money.

100,000 our military in Germany and Japan….still. Why? Costs us $200 billion.
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and another base there.

Who owns your account now?
Edelman Financial to Hellman & Friedman (LPL Financial)

Aunt sues nephew because he hugged her – only in America!
54 year old aunt sues 8 year old nephew because he welcomed her to his birthday party Forcefully. She fell and broke her wrist and blames him. Jury said no way!

Only the house wins in games of chance
Nearly 60 million people participate in fantasy football leagues in the U.S. and Canada, but according to research from Spectrem’s Group, just 6 percent of Americans with more than $100,000 in assets will participate. Spectrem's research indicates fantasy football participation is evenly split between men and women. Fantasy football appears to be a young person’s game—around 23 percent of investors under the age of 40 play fantasy football. NFL gets a cut too.

Police report crime is down—or is it?
LAPD crime stats are not accurate according to audit.

Garfield M. Taylor, Garfield Taylor and Gibraltar Asset Management conducted a ponzi between 2005 and 2010. Jeffrey A. King, and The King Group also were charged with fraud by the SEC. Jailed for 13 years. Investors bought promissory notes issued by his two companies that engaged in purportedly low-risk options trading. Taylor urged investors to refinance their homes and use any available means to invest, including their personal savings and retirement funds.

Bill Gross wants his bonus of “hundreds of millions of dollars” for destroying PIMCO.

Your choice – Bud or Miller or Miller or Bud It’s all the same now!

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

Friday, October 9, 2015

Rich hide $7.6 TRILLION so we pay their taxes

Economists explain how rich hide $7.6 TRILLION so we pay their taxes
Gabriel Zucman shows how wealthy maintain inequality—by hiding assets from public. Tax evasion costs us $200 billion a year and corporate havens another $130 billion a year. Governments are powerless because laws written for 1800 not appropriate. Wealth is mobile just like manufacturing—it goes anywhere and plays govs against govs. Offshore bankers don’t enforce bank laws—bankers work for the wealthy.

GOP tax plans don’t help us—tax cuts for wealthy don’t make jobs
Kansas cut taxes and jobs LEFT the state--failed to create jobs. Koch brothers used tax break to fund PACs to buy election officials. Kansas raised sales tax on working people! Rich buy thru corporations. 10 tricks rich use to avoid taxes will NOT be changed by any candidate! Wealthy use tax cuts to increase income gap—hide money overseas.

GOP wastes $4.5 million on official House hearing
McCarthy says House committee helped to defeat Hillary. “Republicans have blatantly abused their authority in Congress by spending more than $4.5 million in taxpayer funds for a political campaign against Hillary Clinton.” Leader admits it’s B.S.

Banks spit in regulators/Congress face again—GOP ignores it
Congress finally investigating why banks ignore law and promises they make to regulators about breaking the banking laws. Shareholders eventually must pay the fines while offending employees usually keep their bonus and do not go to jail. They don’t even lose their licenses or job. Banks usually just hide questionable behavior. Dems are concerned that the same laws are broken over an over, as if banks knew they are “too big to jail.” Wall Street provides the 2nd highest lobbying funds for influence peddling. GOP does not support the probe.

“You work all your life giving them money, GONE!” End of American middle-class
Congress ends our pension guarantees - Trucker pensions cut 23%
Pensions for Central States’ 407,000 participants would be cut by an average of nearly TWENTY THREE 23 percent. But the pain would be distributed unevenly. Some participants, including the disabled, would not be subject to reductions. Older retirees would generally receive smaller cuts, while those who worked for defunct companies that did not keep pace with their pension funding obligations would face steeper reductions. Move your money NOW:

Financial advisors say it is “misguided” to help clients with less than $1 million
We are on our own because experienced advisors can only work for people with at least $2 million, according to a survey by PriceMetrix. Advisors are told: “stop chasing minnows.” We don’t need advisors. Their fees can destroy our retirement fund. Their fees can take up to 63% of our potential money. There are experienced advisors working at low-cost mutual fund firms that can help those of us without $2 million. Pay less; earn more:

Is an Ethical Will right for you?
Ethical wills offer a way to be remembered and to positively influence the next generation according to some advisors. You can express your hope your spiritual and material values will help them become responsible and caring members of society. However, consider your audience! If you did not teach through your example, it is unlikely reading something in a will can change heir’s attitude. Some say: A “Love letter” to estranged siblings was enough to use the death as a “fresh” start. Others say you may be giving your heirs too much emotion all at once and trying to control their lives from the grave is almost impossible.

Does our president need to know scientific facts?  

POTUS candidates need to read Rev. Watt’s The Improvement of the Mind 1786 to learn to use precise language and be guided by observed facts.

GOP zealots to shut gov Dec 11? Women denied health screening? SS checks held?
            It cost US $24 billion last time, we lost high bond rating, it did NOT work!
Carson wants victims to attack expert shooters and; kinder teachers to outdraw AK47?
GOP denies climate change but we may pay to move Alaska town to avoid rising sea.
Kasich to play the Romney role in 2016—only adult?
Jeb desperate: asking W to destroy the world again! Better off with Saddam, Trump says
Christie: “Put me in the ring against Vladimir Putin … .” NJ citizens would! His judge             gives Christie a $4Billion pass on deal he made. “I’m not paying for past sins.”

Sanders is ineligible to be Prez because he has integrity.
Biden runs advert—2nd old-line politica/co with many bags. Where’s new blood?

GOP is wrong to cut regulation! We need regulation because ….
Blue Bell ice cream had listeria in 2010 and owners did not clean up until 3 died.
GM found it cheaper to kill 124 kids than fix ignition even after knowing for years.
Hudson City’s redlining practices illegally cut off housing chance for minorities.
Exxon’s own study showed mankind is raising global temp and created denial script.
Regulators NOT firm discover Scottrade database of 4.6 million customers hacked.
List is very long in every area of life and greedy can take life/death for some of us.

Which new midsize luxury sedan is the only one rated poor in crash tests?
This import is the only Midsize Luxury car to earn a Poor rating in the IIHS small overlap front test. There are EIGHT 2015 vehicles to give a 2nd thought according to IIHS. Check out your ride’s safety rating before you buy:
Use ALL your discounts when you re-shop for insurance:

What kind of parent leaves a loaded shotgun lying around?
An 11-year-old boy is charged with murder after he fatally shot his 8-year-old neighbor, police said, and neighbors say it was because the girl wouldn't let him see her dog.
Or taking 9-year-old shooting AK-47 for “family fun” and killing arcade owner?

Wall Street brokers had great year; Did YOU?
Wall Street broker-dealers posted profits of $11.3 billion in the first half of 2015, up 29 percent year-on-year and the strongest first half since 2011. Most of us are down 4%. Even popular hedge funds with adverts are down. Advisors are happy—are you?

Minister and wife leave $1 million to church
CA minister and his wife earned below average wages serving their community for over 30 years. During that time, they saved and invested like Earl Crawley while volunteering for many charities. Their estate was settled recently and their church pension fund received about $1 million in assets. They gave all their lives and they are giving still.

Lottery winner to share $140 M
"I’m going to take care of my kids," she said. "I don’t want them to work the way I had to work and deal with the things I had to deal with in life. I want to make it a good life for them and take care of them." Sadly, quick money usually ruins more lives than saves.

“We must guard against the militaryindustrial complex.” 1960, Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and ISIL and Ukraine ops. 
US knew US would fail in Vietnam in 1965;   1.3 million dead. Kissinger diary.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
Will GOP use taxes to move Alaska town due to global warming they don’t accept?

We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Iraq/Afghan/Ukraine.   Taliban captures Kunduz, a major Afghan city. Afghans run. KEEP 5,000 US.

            We pay bonus for kills – no wonder the world hates us!

We trained and equipped ISIS leadership—US sells arms to all sides for profit
We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them money.

Thousands US military serve in Germany and Japan….still. Why? WW2 is over!
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and military sitting there.


DraftKing and FanDuel use insider info we don’t have to win $350,000. And it is not football skills! It is called “tilting the wheel.” NFL owners own the casinos.

Fake charity for SC flood relief? has a search feature, Exempt Organizations Select Check, through which people may find legitimate, qualified charities; donations to these charities may be tax-deductible. Legitimate charities may also be found on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website at

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

Friday, October 2, 2015

Retirement nest eggs being FRIED

Our retirement nest eggs are being FRIED by fees hidden by mutual fund firms
Regulators, the President and Congress are funded by these for-profit firms. We must fight for ourselves by moving our money to NOT-FOR-PROFIT firms. “The agency [SEC] had a reform proposal ready to go back in the early days of this administration, but the industry didn’t like it, so it never went anywhere.” The mutual fund industry says 12b-1 fees “help investors who are seeking advice about what offerings to buy” by paying brokers to make those recommendations. We are paying brokers hidden fees to push sales on other people. Fees can take 63% of our total accumulations. Cut fees. Double your nest egg:

Create a tax-FREE legacy for your grandchild (without a lawyer)
Ian and Margaret had an IRA of $33,000 they did not need for their retirement. They wanted to provide for their newborn grandchild. They did not want to pay a lot of fees to a lawyer or broker. They can convert this regular IRA to a tax-FREE Roth IRA for Douglas in small amounts so the taxes on the gains are not overwhelming each year. The new Roth IRA account will be invested in the Vanguard 500 Index. With 100% stocks, this account could reach $200,000 in 20 years or $600,000 in 30 years. At Ian’s death, this tax-FREE accumulation would go to Douglas without going through probate of Ian’s will. Douglas could take out all the money without income tax or he could let it continue; providing $15 million in another 30 years. Ian can add more grandkids anytime.

House votes to repeal ObamaCare AGAIN—that’s 55 or 56 times
The House has agreed to pass legislation that makes possible a repeal of the ACA’s controversial expansion of the definition of a small employer — a bill hailed by the benefits industry for protecting the small and mid-size businesses they feel the expansion threatens to harm. Most people work for small business and many do NOT offer health coverage. ObamaCare would expand the risk pool to include larger companies by 2016.

GOP tax plans reduce taxes for rich and cut services for rest of us
GOP candidates will increase defense spending, increase war mobilization, increase border security, increase deportations, and increase pollution of environment. Fewer tax dollars increases borrowing from China and cut wages, unions, DEM voters, women’s health, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, EPA, FDA, IRS, and Supreme Court.
Choice becomes clear for non-wealthy who will suffer; back to Robber Baron days!

Our next president?   Jeb still leading in the race (for dollars)

GOP zealots to shut gov Dec 11? poor women denied health screens? SS checks held?
Trump is example in Abnormal Behavior in 21st Century; Personality Disorders and Older Adults.             Trump’s tax plan gives tax break to richest—gov doubles debt to China.
Carson catching Trump = Trump can’t take No 2 in polls.
Fiorina: knows waterboarding torture works despite facts it did not stop terrorists
            She used it at Hewlett-Packard? Collected American citizens’ phone data.
Jeb warned by donors to show success but lacks positive vision.

GOP admits Benghazi committee just propaganda to ruin Clinton.
Clinton hidden emails are black hole she can’t escape.
Sanders found 650,000 contributors online for $24 million—can’t win … BUT

GOP getting desperate—Keep Dems from voting in Alabama
AL closes every DMV in the 10 counties with most blacks so voters can’t get ID

GOP inspires fire bombing of Planned Parenthood?
Arson investigators deemed fire suspicious. Gasoline fire doused by sprinkler saves building after GOP House and Fiorina implies PP is killing children.

Pope promises accountability for sex crimes—new tribunal?
Pope Francis on Sunday said he met in private with a group of victims of clergy sexual abuse and he pledged that “all responsible will be held accountable.” The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, the nation’s most prominent support and advocacy group for victims of clergy sexual abuse, dismissed the pope’s actions. “A smart public relations move. That’s what this meeting is. Nothing more.”
Bishops paid $ millions for cover ups in many cities. Only 1 Msgr gets jail!

VW gives CEO $68 million after emission fraud tactic—reward, not indictment!
Carmaker suspended three top engineers—just suspension with pay? Other cars?
Some new Mercedes, BMW and Peugeot cars use 50 percent more fuel than laboratory tests show, saying this is evidence of a wider industry problem. VW said 11 million cars worldwide had defeat devices installed. Audi said 2.1 million of these were its own models, including the A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q3 and Q5. "It seems that VW has known for years about these manipulations. Executive bonus clawback? No jail?

Do you know how your family assets will pay for retirement?
Most women in retirement have HALF the assets their husbands have. Many are living on Social Security benefits alone—just $683.53 a month. Can you make it on that?
Find out where your family money is BEFORE you both retire.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Iraq/Afghan/Ukraine.   Taliban captures Kunduz, a major Afghan city. Afghans run.
We trained and equipped ISIS leadership—US sells arms to all sides for profit
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and military sitting there
We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them money.

We pay Afghans immigrants $17 an hour to teach Marines how to be nice to Afghans. Now immigrants want OT back pay!

Bundy still has not paid his rent to us—no Fed accountability—he spit in our eye
Fed and state seems helpless against this one rancher. What would happen if you said the IRS has no jurisdiction over your assets? IRS would take your bank account and jail you.

Health Republic Insurance of New York collapse
This Affordable Care Act insurer got $265 million in U.S. loans. It will stop selling policies and eventually cease operations under orders from New York and federal regulators. Health insurance CO-OPs have been hamstrung by both the structure of the program and the way in which the Affordable Care Act was implemented.

Regulators fine Fifth Third Bank—no jail time
The bank pays $18 million to harmed African-Americans and Hispanics for discriminatory auto loan pricing and for illegal credit card practices.

Thomas J. Palermo, advisor, Parkland, Fla., and four others charged with insider trading of Gilead Sciences. Paid fine—NO JAIL TIME—free to do it again.

Regulators fine debt collectors but—no jail time—NOT even name perps?
Westlake Services and Wilshire Consumer Credit deceived consumers by calling under false pretenses and using phony caller ID information, falsely threatened to refer borrowers for investigation or criminal prosecution, and illegally disclosed information about debts to borrowers’ employers, friends, and family. Owners can just do it again. See Don Hankey and his other operations:

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042