Friday, October 30, 2015

Buffett: Where to put your money now

Where does Warren Buffett advise you to put your money now?
Warren Buffett has been clear about what we should do when the market goes down. He has explained how to be a successful investor. His advice was easy to follow and we don’t need a broker to execute his strategy. His advice saves us giving away up to 63% of our possible nest egg. We can earn over 10% a year.

Corporations change earnings to lower their taxes—we get the bill
Study finds that cooking the books is contagious and CEOs mimic other cheaters to keep their bonuses. Study show that a ‘little’ cheating is copied by other CEOs. It is hard for working Americans to pull off “revenue manipulation, expense account fudging, loans for 1% and massaging of inventory, assets or restructuring accounts.” Only 507 violations of the federal securities laws in fiscal 2015 were posted by the SEC. “The more important issue is to stop the thousands of others.” Regulation only halts cheating temporarily so we eventually pay their taxes now or as deficits later. Corporations are NOT people.

Do you manage your investments like an NFL quarterback?
Sports Illustrated estimated that 60 percent of N.B.A. players endured bankruptcy or dire financial straits in retirement. Unfortunately, most athletes and working Americans don’t know a thing about managing their money. Wall Street has destroyed any move to teach us financial literacy, claiming we must pay “professionals” (read salesmen) to do it. And we do. But results are poor. Most of us, like millionaire athletes, lose HALF of our potential earnings to middlemen. Keep all your earnings.

Did your broker receive trips to Tahiti for selling you that annuity?
Yes, insurers make a lot of money from your annuity money. To compete, they must give your advisor an incentive. There are few good deals from your point of view and many good deals from their view. There are no refunds if the advisor promises are broken.

GOP tax cuts spell doom for Kansas
KS GOP legislature must reduce spending and borrow again because promised benefits from the decrease in taxes haven’t happended. "The income-tax cuts passed in 2012 and ’13 were way too steep and way too quick," said Senator Jeff Longbine, a Republican from Emporia. "The revenue continues to decline and we have to do something."
KS encapsulates a broader ideological debate over the influence that tax cuts have on economic performance. Republican presidential candidates have each endorsed federal tax reductions in the belief that they will spur investment. Tax cuts don’t spur investment because wealthy send their money elsewhere to earn more and buy our President.

Does our President need to be smart?

Trump: “I’m smart. I make deals with China. I can deport 11 million.” Cost “unknown
            Polls aren’t “very scientific:” I dropped in some polls. “I don’t get it.” But “I am a             great Christian.Hannity assures us Trump has great taste in ties.
Dr Ben: “I cut 2 kids’ heads. I can end Medicare, Medicaid” Evolution is “fairy tale.”
            “America must resist gun control: Nazi Germany is US model”—talk raises polls
            Snake oil firm pays me, yes, but no ‘relationshp.’
Cruz: We don’t need gov employees—why pay Social Security, Vets, others? New tax of             16% on everything we buy shifts taxes to poor: Rich would pay 10% not 26.5%.
Jeb: I can overhaul (cut) Social Security and Medicare (vouchers) and lower taxes for             rich while increasing military spending and pollution like my bro.
Kasich: GOP candidates are promising crazy things voters will never vote for. DEM?
Rubio: Of course I’m not there to vote—there is nothing to vote on.
Christie: “I’m glad I don’t read the NY Times.” Bridgegate is boring.
GOP: Benghazi committee cost us over $4.5 million but Clinton polls UP

Is Long-term care insurance right for you?
More than one-third of LTC insurance policyholders who buy policies at age 65 or older let their coverage, says Boston College CRR. The study concludes that individuals most likely to let a policy lapse are those who need the coverage most -- those with cognitive impairment and might soon need care, or those with low income and wealth, who would be in financial jeopardy in a medical crisis. Buyers may have to pay premiums for 30 years; paying over $120,000 ($2000 each) and never get to use coverage for only 2 years after 3 month waiting period. Not right for most people. 

We need regulation bec/ people don’t always use golden rule -- GOP is wrong
Fidelity caught using unlicensed advisors! We pay but don’t get licensed and we are not             allowed to sue a Wall Street firm. BrokerCheck has no data. Perfect scam.
Welfare for Rich—Rich get 1% loan but poor pay 8% for college ed loans with no jobs.
Police can’t throw black students across the room after banging head on floor, anymore.
SNAAC, auto lender to servicemembers stopped for illegal debt collection practices
Corinthian Colleges caught promising jobs, giving loans, and illegal debt collections.
Employee background-check firms caught ruining chance for job and reputational harm.
Student Financial Resource Ctr and College Financial Adv. caught misleading on loans

GOP changes mind on climate change after their Merlot fails?
Bordeaux wine growers hit by record heat face changing variety of grapes—using Portuguese varieties instead. Agnes Destrac’s shriveled merlot grapes are left to rot.

Scalia: Supreme Court responsible for ‘destruction of our democratic system'
Scalia thinks giving people the right to marry whoever they want is destroying democracy but doesn’t see that letting billionaires and foreign countries buy our elected officials is really destroying our democracy.

Is your new car on the least reliable list?

Wall Street self-regulator covers up bad broker activity still
FINRA has failed to live up to its promise that the settlements would not be removed from BrokerCheck unless they have little investor protection value.

IRS says scammers now use official address and letterhead via mail
Some schemes provide an actual IRS address where they tell the victim to mail a receipt for the payment they make. Others use emails that contain a fake IRS document with a phone number or an email address for a reply. These scams often use official IRS letterhead in emails or regular mail that they send to their victims. They try these ploys to make the ruse look official. Confirm legit by sending copy to: Internal Revenue Service Lead Development Center Stop MS5040 24000 Avila Road Laguna Niguel, California 92677-3405 or Fax: (877) 477-9135           

Chubb shareholders opposed an $80 million golden parachute payment for CEO John Finnegan, who struck a deal to sell the insurer to Ace Ltd.

GM recalls cars for THIRD time for fire
For third time in seven years, General Motors is recalling cars that can leak oil and catch fire, in some instances damaging garages and homes. The recall, which covers 1.4 million vehicles dating to the 1997 model year, is needed because repairs from the first two recalls didn't work. More than 1,300 cars caught fire after they were fixed by dealers, the company said.

Fidelity caught using unlicensed advisors!
Massachusetts has charged Fidelity with knowingly allowing unregistered individuals to act as investment advisors for Fidelity customers.

House Benghazi committee cost us more than $4.5 million to make Clinton drop

“We must guard against the militaryindustrial complex.” 1960, Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
Defense spending has DOUBLED in 14 years.
Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and             that's NOT counting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, ISIL, Ukraine, Cameroon
US knew US would fail in Vietnam in 1965 but still 1.3 million dead, Kissinger diary.

America needs to take care of American’s needs FIRST!
Rebuild America Act: a five-year plan would invest $1 trillion and create or maintain at least 13 million decent-paying jobs—Senate Budget Committee but GOP says no.
Will GOP use taxes to move Alaska town due to global warming they don’t accept?

We are still wasting $8 million per HOUR we don’t have in Syria/Iraq/Afgan/            Ukraine/Cameroon. Obama keeps 9,800 in Afghanistan        
            Taliban captures Kunduz, Afghans run. We bomb hospital instead.

            We pay bonus for kills – no wonder the world hates us!
             Saudi’s just bombed Doctors Without Borders hospital even with GPS

We are sending “several dozen special operations forces into Syria.” Just like Vietnam.
We are supporting child abuse by Afghan leaders by giving them arms/money.

100,000 our military in Germany and Japan….still. Why? Costs us $200 billion.
Residents of Okinawa object to tens of thousands of U.S. troops and another base there.

Who owns your account now?
Principal shut hedge fund Liongate after fee-conscious investors withdrew too much money from its funds. Investors dislike extra fees for poor performance.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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