Friday, August 4, 2017

Tax reform means more for rich and we pay

What does ‘tax reform’ really mean for us?
Tax ‘reform’ by GOP means only one thing: Rich get richer from our pockets. KS almost went bankrupt by cutting taxes for businesses and increasing consumption sales taxes on working people. Schools were so underfunded that the KS Supremes had to order KS assembly to raise money. Trump invited gov Brownback to share his ‘secret’ to cutting services to workers and he got an ambassadorship: International Religious Freedom or head proselytizer to the world. The new voter suppression czar, KS executive Kobash, is trying to replace Brownback.
KS GOP was forced by real facts to raise taxes. Congressional GOP will cut taxes for the wealthy and business even though KS proved that philosophy only raises debt. Reports say the GOP will “reduce tax rates for all American businesses, encourage companies to bring back cash parked abroad (failed in 2004) and allow “unprecedented” capital expensing, or write-offs (Trump wrote off $916 million) of big investments.” Treasury Mnuchin wants a “national online sales tax that could help states fund infrastructure projects.” Trump’s budget guy has a trick to hide cuts in our Social Security benefits. Medicaid/ObamaCare support for the health of the poor, disabled, and sick will be cut and converted to state block grants which states will use to shore up their budgets.
KS businesses and rich did NOT invest their tax refunds in more jobs. They invested where they could make money—hedge funds and offshore tax havens. The wealth and income gap has widened. Working people in KS had to pay with consumption taxes.
Lobbyists in Congress are already working to maintain their own subsidies/loopholes. Are you?  Like KS we end up with less revenue and more national debt. Just math. State taxes will also be increased to pay for Trump’s job promises. See WI below.  
Avoid future taxes by using your tax-FREE account:

What Trump’s ‘bring back jobs to America’ costs?
It will cost WI taxpayers $230,700 per worker to fulfill Trump’s promise of more factory jobs in US. Carrier left for Mexico despite Trump talk. That cost IN tax payers $7 million just for the sound bite. Gov Walker promised Apple and others that Wisconsin would cut the company $200 million to $250 million a year for up to 15 years. That works out to $230,700 per worker, assuming the factory goes on to generate 13,000 jobs. Sometimes companies change their mind like Carrier did. So far, only 3,000 jobs by 2020, with an average yearly wage of $53,000, have been promised. Walker gave the tax incentives to beat six other states in the quest for the factory. Walker lets Apple pollute the region too. IN, NC, OH, TX, PA and NY were in the running but tax payers can keep money now.
Trump’s great business deal: From now on, every company is going to want more tax subsidies from our state taxes than jobs can offset. It’ll take 150 years to recoup subsidy.

Will any Republican have the courage to lead the battle for a democratic America?
The President wrote on Twitter that in order to pass “great future legislation” the Senate “must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60”. We have all seen the tendency to dictatorship. Chaos in Washington and Trump’s ignorance of his role as president in a checks and balances democratic society. His voters wanted a shake up and his advisor Bannon called for the “destruction of the administrative state.” We withdrew from world leadership in energy, refugees, shared defense, holding back Russian aggression. We do nothing to stop Russian meddling in our elections—no one has checked the voting computers for malware. Edict by tweet to expel WH staff and service members without regard to rules of human decency. Jolting remarks that stand in for policy statements. Pink slip tweets are a coward’s way to run America.
Now he calls for the elimination of the legislative rules that we made to govern. History has a lesson here. Others have joined Trump in rule changes favoring GOP. Many states have been taken over by Koch’s extremists. We were lucky that 3 GOP ‘profiles in courage’ stopped the cancellation of health care for 22 million Americans. Think about that—22 million with one thumb.
We are at a turning point. Who will rule here in America? We need another Senator from AZ to tell the president it is time to go.

Can Medicare for All actually get passed?
Can America provide affordable health care to all its citizens? Bernie Sanders wants to find out. He is putting a bill in the Senate in August. Over 50% of Americans want to fix ObamaCare and keep the provisions that help people stay healthy. Republicans seem to understand NOW that Americans want health care. Duh. When it comes to taxes, GOP seems to understand the formula very well: NO ONE likes taxes. The tax code Congress has written over the years (they act like it came out of the sky), is there because rich people decided to have those they paid to elect put it there. 1% get all the subsidies.
Why is it so hard to believe that we want a good deal too? Is “socialized medicine” so terrible that Americans can never receive a decent plan at an affordable price? Medicare pays my doctor not some government doctor! Since the wealthy have kept the average wage at the same level since the 1980s, is it so hard to understand that most of us can’t afford to buy quality health care ($18,142)? All the gains in productivity by American labor has gone to the very wealthy. Why is it that most retirees like their Medicare but the rich ones don’t want it for all the other people without a job? Drs & hospitals like ACA.
Why is ObamaCare OK for Cruz, McConnell and Ryan, but not OK for us?

How can you turn every $100 invested into $10,000?
Ever wonder how the rich get richer? Not all are great stock pickers or founders of Amazon or Google. Warren Buffett explained how it is done in his annual reports to stockholders. “My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest.” Unfortunately, most Americans do not benefit from compounding since they don’t have the money to invest. Buffett has been patient for over 60 years: his $6,000 from paper routes has grown to $72 billions. He made mistakes along the way. He shows us how to grow $100 a month into $1,000,000 over TIME. $250 a month gets you there in about 33 years; $500 a month, in about 27 years. Investing in a bunch of companies and time is all it takes. He confesses that if we aren’t patient, we won’t be rich. Even retirees use Buffett’s advice. He tells exactly where to invest too.

MONEY BALL for Investing: Winning in an unfair market
Your family can beat Wall Street in the series because you use Billy Beane’s lessons.
In 2002, Billy Beane did the impossible. He knew he could not afford to buy replacements for Damon, Giambi and Isringhousen, so he hired an unknown economist wonk who had a system. Brad Pitt (Moneyball) explains his take on the system to his scouts. To win we need runs, so on-base percentage is critical. Does not matter how they get there—walks are good. He hires cheap players who have high on-base ratios. Scouts complain the new are not “baseball material” or too old or can't play positions or girl friend is ugly.
            The “professionals” think he is nuts. One is fired. Since the manager, Art Howe, doesn't buy it, he does not use the new players. Billy trades Art's players away so the manager is forced to use Billy's. Billy actually explains to the team how they can win by using their strengths—just get on base. Belichick's “Do your job.”          In his book, Michael Lewis tells us how the economics of baseball work and how Billy Beane, as a failed player, made history by NOT following the professionals' 'expert' knowledge.
            How can your family beat Wall Street 'professionals' over time? We take the Billy Beane approach.
            First, we acknowledge that we have a small budget for investing. We can't afford the hedge funds, offshore tax shelters, and expensive Wall Street money managers taking 2-3% a year. We use our economic ‘wonk,’ Warren Buffett.

Ten steps to lower car insurance
Consumer Reports how to cut premiums. Insurers change their marketing strategy to pick up new customers so you must shop to save. I have shopped every two years for full coverage on 2 Toyotas and have gotten discounts each time. I have used bank debits for a further discount. I claim lower driving miles and car kept in garage off the street for more. Insurers know from national record that I have had no accidents providing another discount. I took a driver safety course 1 hour and got another discount. Be careful which car you buy—it can cost you more. Here are those gone extinct in 2018. Used Tesla for $40,000. Very fast.

Vanguard is making every investment company cut fees and we save
Fidelity is cutting fees on some mutual funds and ETFs to stop the hemorrhaging of customer money to Vanguard. We will have more because we pay less. Over time, paying 17bp vs 21bp will save Fidelity customers $18 million. However, after-tax returns and tracking are also important. These are why Vanguard is still drawing funds from other investment managers. Fidelity still overcharges in its largest funds—68bp vs 32bp for Vanguard’s managed funds. Fidelity in June said more than 1,500 employees took a buyout offer in order for the Johnson family to maintain their profit margins. Fidelity customers may find the drop in fees only raises their wait time for exchanges and services.

Goal: Everyone knows the Trump brand around the world
Trump supporters are upset with DC and future; overlooks his sins

Putin has captured Trump’s patriotism—Collusion with money-lending enemy?
Trump gives in to Putin: removes CIA from Syria leaving moderates to scatter.

Trump group places mob ties above country; it’s about money POWER not US service.
Russian lobbyists guide Trump crew and GOP on business interests toward Russia.
Google searches explain how Trump got elected and keeps supporters: Everybody lies

Trump is still just a mafia contractor from Queens—Fred taught him to be The Don.
Like mob boss, he threatens Senators

Putin Ambassador: “not on Trump side, we are on side of justice” Putin hacked elections.
Breitbart: firing Sessions “only serves to highlight Trump’s own hypocrisy” Losing base.

Can a general keep the troops in line if the CIC won’t let him do his job?
Mobsters don’t call the FBI when Jr doing an illegal deal with fellow mobsters.

My Theory:
No one expected him to win so no harm getting Putin help. Don owes Vlad’s mob money so they sent mob gofer Manafort to run the campaign. ‘Colluding’ Putin style.
Trump will quit before Grand Jury gets to indict anyone in the ‘family’

TrumpWorld – using presidency to make money the old fashioned way: theft
Jared/Ivanka lied again on their disclosure: ‘forgot’ 77 more assets worth $millions
Jared in real estate money-laundering deal with Russian investigated by Congress

Trump hires MarLargo foreign workers not America Great workers.
Trump does not like living in the WH: it’s “a dump.” We pay for new digs and chief.
Trump shop from Canada run by Germans sell us Chinese hats et all. Buy US???
Trump bomb shelters for CA: The Don selling you N Korea insurance policy.

Dictator talk time:
“When the president does it, that means it is not illegal,” Richard Nixon
Trump attacks individual reps for not voting his way—3rd world countries do this.

The Don wants to stop promoting democracy in the world. Back to Cold War?

The president can’t have a conflict of interest.” The Don is above the law?

Regulators are the only protection against corporations since we can’t sue anymore

FL overwhelmed by rising water: Tampa, Miami, etc. Gov says can’t be true.
Trump to reverse affirmative action so more rich people can go to Ivy League colleges.

House votes to keep us from suing banks/loan firms when they hurt us. Banks fear suits.
ObamaCare saved this woman’s life and farm: 3 GOP saved our future $200,000 bill.
Ford Explorer may poison you to death: 1.3 million may have CO gas leaks. Test first.
Opium crisis created by drug firms and doctors who give them like candy—lock ‘em up!
Trump giving self an exemption from environmental impact study to destroy streams etc.
Drs & insurer lobbyists write and pass anti-malpractice bill in House w/o our ‘reps’ say.
Jeffrey Martin, Orlando, Thomas Tedrow, Winter Park charged with fraud: pump/dump

We need regulation—GOP wrong—companies/cities wouldn’t fix bad products on own
GM killed 124 because ignition switch pin not replaced after knew it killed first in 2006.

Police want gun control.
When everyone has guns; your chance of being killed goes up. Police don’t know who to shoot. They assume everyone has one and shoot first. You and thief have guns. CO schools now allow teachers/administrators to carry guns in the classroom. Kid lesson! Since 2015, police have killed 86 people with realistic looking FAKE guns--suicide?

NAACP advises travel in MO can be dangerous: “police profiling and brutality”
Police hire back officers they had to dismiss due to bad conduct: prey on public again?

Trump tells police to get ‘tough’ use military stuff to be “mean” to people.
Police say NO to Trump police state—“we have rules of conduct.” Ashamed.
A study says right-to-carry laws increase violent crime. People are emotional and use it.

IRS agent scam: Ask For Credentials
IRS representatives can always provide two forms of official credentials: a pocket commission and a Personal Identity Verification Credential (PIV). Pocket commissions describe the specific authority and responsibilities of the authorized holder. The PIV is a government-wide standard for secure and reliable forms of identification for federal employees and contractors. Criminal investigators also have a badge and law enforcement credentials. A letter comes before a call. Heads up!
All tax payments are to the U.S. Treasury. Taxpayers should never use a preloaded debit card or wire transfer to make a payment. The IRS provides specific guidelines on how to make a tax payment at

Ignoramus Award:
Trump wants Congress to ‘suffer’ under ObamaCare. Idiot, they already do and love it. McCain got his cancer removed thanks to ObamaCare; surgery alone cost over $76,000
Related image7,150 nuns on GOP: “the most harmful legislation for American families in our lifetimes.”
Fox News proves Trump’s ‘Fake News’ but his 3 fingers are pointing to himself.
Cal U dropping the math and English placement exams and non-credit remedial classes. 
Trump thinks NH is "a drug-infested den" and says WH is a ‘dump’ but now denies it.

How our government wastes our money:
Study shows if you smoke dope like drinking to excess, you get bad grades in college.
CA wishes to secede and create single payer health system and needs cool rain.

Where have all the jobs gone?
105 year old doctor says don’t retire and LIVE longer by keeping your insurance.
Amazon 50,000 warehouse jobs: temporary and interim money boring work.
Alien protector at NASA: keep our “human bodily fluids” separate from theirs.

Job interview will ask for your salary requirements. Answer: I will research the range.
Which job board sites are best for your job search?

Learn Spanish so you have another skill for jobs.

Who owns your account now:
Hartford Financial annuity business to Atlas Merchant Capital.

This morning my wife got a cancer screening for FREE. It used to cost $770 before ObamaCare.
 1st time: gene editing corrects a disease-causing mutation in viable human embryos.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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