Friday, May 10, 2019

Give your child a leg up!

Give your child a leg up! Make sure they can make and manage money
Make sure you teach your kids how to create wealth the easy way. Show them the Warren Buffett investment strategy. My parents were not investors. At my first job, I had no clue which investment to use for my 401k contributions and company match. The HR person told me to put it into the 'safe' stable value fund. That was the worst choice at my age I learned later when I got my securities’ licenses. If I had followed their advice I would have ended up with $150,000 instead of a Wealth Reserve of $877,233 about 33 years later. We have used this 'Wealth Reserve' as I call it to have funds to use low-cost high-deductible insurance, to buy two homes and 5 cars (over time) with higher down payments or cash, and now to receive $2,500 a monthly in retirement supplement.
Building Wealth Is Like Brushing Your Teeth:

How long will this bull market last?
Despite what every Wall Street guru and professional economist says, NO one knows. So instead of us trying to time the market so we get out at the top and in at the bottom, we will take the average of 11% a year. If you had taken the advice of the ‘wise men’ at Morgan Stanley, you would have missed the largest YTD gain 17% since 1998. This is why we have to acknowledge that our brokers/advisors or whoever can’t know the future. Given that this is the way it has always been, we are not under broker-induced delusions. We are ‘buy and hold’ investors in low-cost funds at Vanguard. We put our money—short and long—in both stock and balanced funds. We keep adding more to our portfolio because we think American business will continue to grow globally. Even with 2008 loss of 37% we had gains of 29% in 2009 and 32% in 2013. Not many advisors were able to guide their clients to ‘sell high and buy low’ and come out ahead. The buy and hold crowd did come out ahead. Buffett:

What to do when your LTCI premium rises?
Genworth, the largest long-term care insurer by number of policyholders, received approval in the first quarter to increase premiums an average 62%. Other carriers have received even larger premium increase nods. Insurers cite increased longevity, spiking health-care costs and sustained low interest rates. State insurance heads have granted almost every request. So what can you do? You will need to check with your seller or read the contract and see if there are options. Nearly 90% of people will NOT need a big policy. Generally you could cut benefits, pay up or cut your loses and build your own fund. After all, if you pay the insurer $2-3,000 a year, you could have $200,000 in 20 years. What if you don’t need LTC, you would lose your entire premium values. You could use it to supplement your income since everyone is living longer, experiencing increasing drug prices and lack of investment yield. Beware the salesperson will try to re-sell you and keep the policy by scaring you with huge potential costs in the future.

Best ways to protect yourself from identity theft
1. Freeze your credit report with appropriate credit bureaus—list of bureaus.
2. Use random symbols, letters and numbers to fill up password block.
3. Use email not text to send passwords, names, address, and sensitive data.
4. Use an encryption key set up for very sensitive data.
5. Avoid public Wi-Fi devices and rental car Bluetooth to connect to the internet.
6. Using Chrome to save passwords is a trade off—caution: settings/passwords.
7. Phishing is your greatest threat—confirm by phone anyone asking for data.
8. Change critical account passwords every 3 months—never use same one for all.

How could Trump claim billionaire status and lose $1.17 billions?
Answer: US tax code and ‘creative’ accounting. The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in paper losses from commercial real estate ‘depreciation’ so he could avoid paying taxes on his actual cash income. Mr. Trump was able to declare he lost all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions. And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback. Running for president was just a “marketing opportunity” for Trump according to his lawyer. After US lenders were burned by Trump’s poor management skills, he turned to Russia and its money-laundering oligarchs to keep the con going. The marketing worked. The GOP gave him another tax break and Congress kept silent.

Can your broker/advisor really find the sweet spot of investing?
More studies show that whatever the current fad—factor investing or ‘smart beta’ could be worthless like its predecessors. As soon as someone thinks they have found the holy formula that provides more return with less risk, it probably will fail. Stocks with better returns get purchased, driving down any future superior returns. So if investors are avoiding only funds that are correlated with the market they are avoiding risks that just don’t matter that much. If investors think that a hedge fund manager has a new formula, the rush to capture the fund’s returns cancels it out. Charles Ellis pointed this out long ago in Winning the Loser's Game. The delusion of a rational market persists so Wall Street can make its’ $ billions from our money. I can live with 11% long-term return.


Make America, “The Don”, Great Again
Truth isn’t truth, his lawyer says

Two Americas: A Banana Republic? Do we really want an infant king? Daddy Putin!


How Govt wastes our money: Congress spends $1.3 Trillion we don’t have! 
Can Trump raise 63% job participation rate or is that too ‘socialist’? Wealthy got theirs!
$3.7 Trillion spent for better health care but failed: all agree data firms got rich.

Air Force upset GOP: buys F15 not F35, A10—reliability over gadgets; saves money too.
GOP violated Constitution to assure GOP elections in OH. Dems were locked out.
Trump revokes press pass; stops briefings: Dictators have only propaganda-no free press.

GOP already kills infrastructure plan of Trump-Dems: tax breaks OK; bridges roads Nyet
Did Boeing kill 2 planes full of people? Failed to warn pilots about bad equipment.

400 Fed prosecutors say Trump is criminal: obstruction if he were not above the law.
Trump sends combat ships to Iran to divert attention: gin up his supporters.

Andrew Scherr, Robert McGraw caught fraud on insurance firms so the claims not paid.
Brian Fettner caught stealing info for insider trading from friend’s home: fine no jail

Reviva Brain sued for fake brain health claims: Tiger Woods testimonial not his skill.
Young Living sued for fake health claims as pyramid scheme enriches owners.

Trump’s double sent to jail for swindling hotels/banks: fake ‘German billionaire’ lied

Acadia Healthcare defrauded WV Medicaid $8.5 million: fined $17 million. 
Jeep & Ram owners get $3,000 for buying high emission vehicles: Fiat cheated on tests.

Trump grabs Kim’s N Korea ship: Unlock your bomb shelters, new rations, batteries
NY State voted to give Trump tax returns to Congress—not ‘under audit’—he lied.

The Mob Boss can never go to jail: Trump has Kava as Supreme so no contempt.
‘No man is above the law’ … well up till now. Dictators nullify courts first, then votes.


Columbus digital insurer Root Insurance to hire 400 of 940.

Who owns your account now?
Trump has won! 7 million more people do NOT have health insurance: use expensive ER

Humans killing millions of species needs miracle to stop us.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042

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