Friday, September 13, 2019

Target-date funds right for you?

Target-date funds are millennial’s choice investment
Many millennials are turning to target-date funds (TDFs) as a set-it-and-forget-it investing method. Although TDFs are gaining popularity with millennials and company-sponsored retirement plans, it’s important to know the benefits and risks associated with them. Almost all workplace plans offer TDFs as an option. This option may sound ideal as they will not have to choose which stocks and bonds to invest in, nor the percentage of each. TDFs are also set up to automatically adjust to a more conservative allocation of assets as the target date approaches. There is no research done to determine if the allocation is divided appropriately between stocks and bonds, based on the individual’s risk tolerance. Actually, the research is not conclusive on this anyway. This seems OK since retirement is far off. TDFs do not take into account an individual’s years until retirement, any inheritance income or lifestyle changes over time. This ‘average person plan’ may carry risks but most folks don’t have the knowledge to make a specific plan, especially at a young age. To their benefit, TDFs don’t take market conditions into account. Over time, market timing does not work anyway. TDFs are not for those who can afford to ‘plan for retirement.’ Since the average ‘managed’ plan reduces returns to 3.79% vs 11%, most retirement savers are better off with a low-cost TDF especially since advisors cannot know when the next 2008-type crash will occur.

Never rollover when transferring money from a retirement account
So says IRA guru Ed Slott: "When you do a rollover, three things happen and they're ALL bad!" The only safe method of moving tax-advantaged money is by direct transfer or trustee-to-trustee transfer also known as direct rollovers. You don’t touch the money. The funds go directly from one plan to another without anyone touching the money in between, as opposed to indirect rollovers, where a check is made out to the IRA owner or employee personally. Once your employer or plan cuts a check to you, it is too late. They have already coded the transfer as taxable to the IRS and taken out 20% tax. That means you pay taxes on the money and you may pay a penalty. It does not matter that you did not intend this to happen. Many plan clerks do NOT even know you can avoid the 20%. They don’t know about trustee-to-trustee transfers. Many swear you must withhold 20% when you move your qualified funds. Ask to speak to the supervisor FAST. Make sure your transfer is coded ‘G’ Direct rollover and direct payment on form 1099-R. If it is miscoded, ask for a ‘corrected 1099’ from your plan administrator.

If you hate to lose money, try looking away for a while
People ask me, where can I put my money that is ‘safe’? I say, is this money you need in a year or 5 years? Time determines the safety of money not the type of vault. I explain to them that earning 1-2% from a bank is ‘safe’ for 1 year but is ‘unsafe’ for 5+ years. Why? Money represents buying power and over time money loses buying power. You could buy a gallon of gas for $1.70 in 2016 but now it is $2.74. It costs $40 or more to fill up now. It was not long ago that you only needed $20. Food costs have risen. Warren Buffett, star investment advisor, says: “We continue to make more money when snoring than when active." Money grows faster when you put it to work and DO NOT watch it. Buffett won his $1 million bet over a Wall Street guru by ‘looking away’ from a simple market index fund which does not change companies over time. No trading, no quitting. In 2014, there were 72,197 Americans aged 100 or older. That’s up 44% from 2000. You will need buying power if you become a centenarian.

Put your money to work—so you don’t have to.
Accumulate $250,000, $500,000 even $1,000,000.
Compounding is what Warren Buffett counts on for success.
“My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and
compound interest.
How much can your money earn for you? $1 million from your $99,000 investment.
Your $250 a month investment may grow to $1,000,000 or more and it can be tax FREE. That $3,000 a year for 33 years ($99,000) compounds to $1 million if you put it to work: Low-cost stock index funds earn 11% per year after fees over time. Advisor-managed funds earn 3.79% over time. Compounding does not work as well if your advisor is trading, market-timing, rebalancing or rotating sectors.

NY best-interest rule keeps annuities that mislead out
More insurers are deciding to pull products like annuities and life insurance from the New York market as the state's best-interest rule takes hold. Lincoln Financial suspended sales of fee-based annuities in New York on Aug. 1 in response to a particular consumer disclosure required by the new rule, Insurance Regulation 187.​ The rule prevents acts or practices that are unfair or deceptive. It ensures that a transaction is in the best interest of the consumer and appropriately addresses the insurance needs and financial objectives of the consumer. New York's best-interest rule is part of a movement by some states to raise sales standards for brokers and financial advisers following Trump overturning the Obama regulation that aimed to increase the standards for retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs. The New York rule is on par with and may even be tougher than the DOL fiduciary rule, which the insurance and brokerage industries lobbied hard to kill.

Rich would need to pay their fair share under Warren’s policy
The top 15 richest Americans would have seen their net worth decline by more than half to $433.9 billion had Elizabeth Warren’s plan been in place since 1982, according to a recent study. But that assumes their legion of lawyers and accountants did nothing—most unlikely. Plus, our representatives would receive countless $ millions in election gifts to make sure there are plenty of loopholes and subsidies to keep the wealthy, wealthy. You know they will never give up their tax-credit class status without a fight.

Taking money away from real military projects: ‘Nobody better at the military than me’

Trump allows our water to be polluted again: reverses another Obama reg
IRS goes after small $ cheats not the large $ evaders: wastes resources; we pay the taxes
Congress ponders 401k annuities: insurers’ lobby hard to capture huge profits. Danger! 

Certified Forensic Loan Auditors caught misleading US: loan modifications: fine, no jail 
Trump like Captain Queeg on Dorian path to AL: ‘I was with you all the way Alabama'
GOP scared to hold primaries: Trump challenge?: No need to vote: Democracy Trumped
Cruz threatens Trump: gun background checks ‘de-moralizes’ base; already no morals.

Anthem caught overcharging workers in 401k plan: $17 million reinstates pension dollars
NY state tax demand for immediate payment is fake: no passport, drivers license revoked
Hacker uses your credit card to open ApplePay account. Credit card bank cancelled card.  
Clayton Wertz caught making up security statements to help friend obtain bank loan

Beware: Advisors using ‘Christian’ labels: claim “biblically wise advice” for your money
Democracy Trumped: GOP cancels primaries: why bother voting for dictator Trump.

TX representative to Beto O'Rourke that his AR-15 "is ready for you": TX Death threats
CA to limit you to 1 AR per month: you can still buy 30 mags: some call this progress
Dems vote to keep oil drillers out of Artic land and oceans: Moscow Mitch says “Nyet.”
Courts lean right for the next generation: Money decides democracy fate.

Do any Sackler family go to jail for killing 10-50,000 a year? ‘None admit wrongdoing’!

Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to be 1.6% for 2020.
Warren will raise Social Security benefits from high income earners tax: Boomer voters!

Who owns your account now?
Cars that lose value fast: Don’t expect much for your trade.
Never use your cell? 1 cent/min if you do.
Bargain hunters: If you love a great deal, check these Amazon retailers: shipping is killer.

It takes miracle to return to science: Dictator now dictates the weather: Science self-censorship can kill US. 
When on a plane next to autistic child, use your airsickness bag to reach out and touch.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042

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